[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Monday, October 31, 2005


Had surprise English compre. Not those easy compres, an essay compre. \/\/0()7. I reacted rather ok I think. Made stuff up on the spot. Three passages. First two were about fantasy, so yay. Last one was a description of the hero from some book. Reading it was kinda gay. From my essay "Honestly I was turned off by the description of the character which sounded as if it came from a fangirl, albeit one with an excellent vocabulary." Hooray.

Had introcalc thing. Might have lost marks over misintepretation of a graph. I should get follow-through marks though, so I probably won't fail. Badly.

Spent the entire G&T lesson trying to print past exam papers. `/`/[]{}T.

My hair now has to be tied up during school hours. Yay. At least I don't have to cut it. Why don't I just cut it? Well... I'm neurotic. XD

Had the scariest experience of my life. A girl hugged me. A lot. For a long time. And played with my face like I was a baby. Am I thrilled? HELL NO!!!111!!!oneone!!ELEVEN. Am I gay? Last time I checked, no.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Did nothing. \/\/0()7. Still haven't started my B&V project. For some reason, I honestly could not give a damn. I've never felt such total apathy. Usually I care enough to at least do a crap job. Damn.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


What did I do today? Hmmmm. Hold on while I think about it. I... did... absolutely nothing!!! Hooray. I guess I should start studying and doing some work, but I can't be bothered. I don't know why. I might start later tonight though. Meh.

Friday, October 28, 2005


Everyone, I feel absolutely and totally drained. Why? Beliefs and Values. Maybe it's just me, but I find it a COMPLETE AND UTTER WASTE OF MY LIMITED GOD GIVEN TIME ON THIS EARTH. Ahem. Anyway, I have a general feeling of being completely and entirely drained. So much so that I'm not going to be doing work anytime soon. Bah. Its a sad thing about blogging that you cant hear my voice. Then you would really know how pissed I am right now.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Gave physics presentation. Made stuff up. Go me. Teacher said I did ok. Not sure what that means, but at least I won't be dinged for reading from a script.

Chem was weird. Played with toys making hydrocarbon structures. It was fun. Made six benzene rings attached to each other. They ended up looking like a flower. Will look up what its called. If it exists.

Chibi drawing is still continuing.

Hair is falling like snow. Got dinged for having it longed. I can either cut it or tie it up. Guess which I'm opting for.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Got crap mark for econs. 11/15 Half a mark more and I would have gotten an A. Bah. I need to learn to write faster >< I probably have work to do, but I can't remember.

In other news, chibi obsession is on the rise.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Today teacher sped through chemistry. Happy me. Reminds me of home. ^^

Did badly for a math test. Hooray. Keep the streak alive.

Played basketball. Once again, my feet have been destroyed. Pain.

Finally do not need to give talks anymore. But now there's one for physics. Damn

Taken up doodling. Do it on english notes, econs notes, during tuition... Don't ask. I don't know.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Don't ask

Spent whole English lesson reading. Not my fault. Teacher asked me to. More accurately, she asked the whole class. Had intro calc test. Couldn't do the last question. Now that I think about it, I could've. Damn. Oh well. Should have started my revision. I'll get to it in a couple of days. ^^ During econs, I started to draw a chibi on my econs notes. It was a random pic of a random guy. Then I drew another who kinda looked like Sephiroth, so I went ahead and doodled a chibi Cloud Strife. Don't ask why the sudden obsession with chibis. I don't know either. And as an end note, I'm not that good anyway.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Slept through afternoon. Fished in the evening. Watched TV by my mom's request. Was a sermon. Or three. should probably do my physics assignment but I don't know what more to do. Meh.

Friday, October 21, 2005


And today is the day someone calls me a pimp. Go me. But seriously, there is no way I could be one. I can't sustain prolonged conversation with a single girl so there is no way on Earth, Heaven or Hell I could be a player. Here is his reasoning.

He's in class during lunch because it was bitchin' cold today. He looks out and sees me walking in one direction with a girl beside me. I WAS NOT AWARE OF HER PRESENCE! And if I was, I forgot about it in five minutes. Anyway, he later sees me walking in the opposite direction with another girl. I WAS NOT AWARE OF HER PRESENCE EITHER! Thanks to these two coincidences, I am now branded a pimp. Go me.

For those of you who believe him, you obviously dont know me very well.

In other news, playing mah-jongg has been proven to be able to cure Alzhiemers disease, among other things. More on that after I find a snowball in hell.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Had the chem test from hell. And an econs essay. Hooray.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This is not a title

Had an essay for English. Girl in my class complained that she didn't have enough time. Obviously I wrote too little, 'cuz I had so much time I started to draw a chibi on the back of my essay notes.

Teacher: OK, time's up. Hand in your essay with your notes attached.

... Thankfully I was drawing in pencil.

Got some wierdo award for something I apparently did. People I had never met before were congratulating me. Beam me up Spock. The natives are overlyfriendly. I fear ulterior motives. As for myself, I'm ticked off 'cuz I didn't get money.

Went fishing. Caught nothing (go me) and got my finger pierced by the hook twice. My hands were so numb I didn't bleed. Yay.

Chem test and econs essay tomorrow. Hooray.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I had planned to do a craptastic talk and get it over with. Teacher wanted me to continue on to today. And guess what? I have to do it tomorrow as well! Go me!

... Anyway, back to reality. Boredom is taking over my mind. pH34r /\/\y 7\/\/1\ B14d35 0f _B3r-b0r3d0/\/\\355!!!!!!111111oneoneone. Sorry. Temporary insanity. Hmmmm. If I commit a crime, will I be deported back home?

Monday, October 17, 2005


Gave my craptastic talk. Not to say the question itself was stupid. It was just my talk. I was planning to do it today, get the minimum and get it done with, but the teacher was so pleased with my apparent "content" that she wants me to continue tomorrow. Not good. For one thing, I wasn't listening to myself. -.-" >.< "-.-

Update to subject selection. I am now the only one who is taking six TEE. Go me. I feel special.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Today, I won the lottery, went to space and back and found a cure for liver cancer. BUT............ back to reality now. Wasted another day. Got to give a talk tomorrow. About what, I'm not so sure. Go me.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Wasted a day. Again. If time wasting were a crime, I'd get life. Go me. Only one interesting thing happened today, though 'interesting' isn't the best word for it.

Ok, there's a pastor. On national television. Preaching. What's wrong with that? Nothing, unless you count the fact that he's preaching hedonism. Under the guise of preaching Christianity, he stands up there in front of a massive audience preaching about the virtue of 'abundance'. He even has scripture to back him up. You want scripture, jackass? Take this. Luke 6: 20, "Looking at his disciples, he said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." HA! Well, I learnt something today. There is no greater instrument for the spread of Satanism than the Bible itself, when taken in parts. Satan himself took scripture to tempt Jesus.

Let's all give a big shout. 1... 2... 3... SCREW HEDONISM!!! ^^

Friday, October 14, 2005


I can now say that I have helped someone older than me with homework. Given where I am right now, that's not too difficult. Still, its a first. Hooray.

Funny quote from my brother:

Bro: "I want to sue (Name deleted for privacy.)!"
Mom: "Why? (Alleged crime deleted for privacy.)?"
Bro: "Not for that. For general existence."

Ladies and gentlemen, my brother.

Today I saw a student attempt to attach a suction cup to his teacher's head. The amazing part is that the teacher sat there looking as confused as I was. Everyday I say that this country is not going to freak me out any longer, and it goes and pulls a stunt like this.

During math, teacher sets us work and goes out to attend to administrative stuff. I do the work (duh) but most of the class is discussing relationships. And not smart discussions either. More like 'when are you gonna get married?' Whoop-de-doo. "Hey guys screw integration let's talk about our non-existent love lives!"

After extended observations, I have come to a few conclusions as to why the school system here is, to be frank, slower than back home. Why do I feel the need to do this? I'm bored, that's why.
  1. Time spent during class READING THE TEXTBOOK OUT LOUD. I am in a class of 16-year-olds. I wonder what people MY age are doing. *shudders*
  2. Time spent during class DOING WHAT SHOULD BE HOMEWORK. Self-explanatory
  3. In lower years, the persistent usage of the phrase 'I can't' will get you out of most things. Not to bash the teachers. Its the kid's fault for believing such nonsense.
  4. NO HOMEWORK GIVEN. Unlike what you may think, this is NOT a good thing. When your parents don't let you play PS2 on weekdays, homework is one of the best things to relieve boredom. 'Cuz cable sucks. And there are only so many hours you can stay asleep.

There we go. My day.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Forgot to mention something yesterday. While eating lunch a ball some guys were playing with flew into me and knocked my food onto the ground. I picked it up and ate it. This might seem weird and sick, but if it does, you obviously don't know me. Unlike me, however, I did not swear at the people in every language I know. Not even in one. Something is happening to me.

Anyway, on to today. Didn't do much. Normal school stuff. Which means nearly nothing here. Booya.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Me, nuts? Hell yeah!!!

Normal day. Whoop-de-doo. Better than it being bad I guess. Have to hand in my subject selection form for next year. There are two kinds of subjects here, TEE and TAFE. I have no idea what either stand for, all I have are a rough guide. TEE=hard stuff, TAFE=easy stuff. More or less. I am one of two people I know taking a full TEE course. Why? Cuz I wanna have me some fun. Go me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Started school, but the rest apparently still want to ease into the term. Meh. Exams in week six so I might get some fun then. Yes I know my sense of fun is warped, but bear in mind I have not stressed over a single test in all my life, so it would be kinda fun for me. English teacher was telling a story of how her skirt fell when she was 14. First thing some girl asked was "Did you wear a g-string?" WTF!!! Who the hell asks their teacher if they wear bloody g-strings? What in the hell is this generation coming to? Where is the respect? Don't tell me the internet took it, 'cuz that is not a good reason. Had tuition. In the two hours, more than a dozen strands of hair commited suicide by boredom. Ok I'm kidding, but they did drop off. I'm shedding. Yay.

And a word to anybody reading this who thinks evolution is true, I have here a couple of facts.

If the earth were tiltes 1 degree in either direction, life on Earth would end because of climate shift. Think about the odds of a planet having our exact bearing. Now think of the odds of a planet coming into the 'habitable zone' of a star. Now think of the number of planets which have that but STILL do not support life. Now bring all those odds together. (That is, a planet with a suitable orientation lying within the habitable zone of a star and there being life.) Here's something else. Stephen Hawking, the Lucasian professor, one of THE most brilliant minds in the world claims that everything on Earth seems to have been directly engineered to support life. For example, if the fundamental charge on the electron were changed, life could not exist. Finally, it has been stated that there is a greater chance of a tornado going through a junkyard and assembling a fully functional Boeing 747 than a bolt of lightning striking amino acids and creating life, and just in case you're wondering, the odds of that first one are 1 in (10^(10^9)). That's a 1 followed by a BILLION (note the number) 0s. Not sure if they're factoring paint when they calculated that though. If by now you're not convinced, consider a lobotomy.

Monday, October 10, 2005

In a state of pure WTF?ness

Woke up, put on school uni only to find that in this country, this weird warped country (thats the Singaporean in me talking), school starts on a Tuesday after hols. What the hell. Well I got an extra day to goof, so I'm not complaining, much,(I went to sleep early to find I could have goofed. Dammit.) but that's just weird. Its not for the kids either. My mom said its for the teachers to get their crap(pronunciation key: stuff) ready. Uh, hello? They've had two weeks to get ready. If I can why can't they? Ok maybe I'm not the best comparison. Still got physics to do but its due week three so I've plenty of time and school starting will probably get me in a working mood. Bah. Bottomline, I got an extra day so I guess its all good. But... Dayum. I keep telling myself that this country is not going to weird me out any further and it goes and pulls a stunt like this. Fweh.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


School tomorrow. Yay. Let's all celebrate.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Back to the usual routine. Hooray.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Big Whoop

Highlight of the day: Watched National Treasure. Yay. Did housework. Laundry and washing of non-used funriture. Boo-ya.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


See above? That's why I haven't blogged in a while. Wen't to see places of geographical and zoological interest. To be perfectly honest, not exactly my type of thing. Still, it was pretty ok. Here is a list of things I learnt/revised/discovered while on the road.
  1. Boredom can't kill you, but you might wish it could.
  2. Being the low maintenance one is a good thing.
  3. I FRIGGIN hate the cold. (but its easy to get used to)
  4. When they say Autralia is a farm country, they mean Australia is a farm country.
  5. Sleep is magical for the following reasons:
  • You can't get bored while unconscious
  • You don't get hungry while unconscious
  • You don't get thirsty while unconscious
  • Because of the previous two, you need the toilet less often.

Slept on a sofa, a sleeping bag and a bed these past few night. I kinda liked the sofa. Meh. Bought a single present for a single person. (Pun not intended, but true nonetheless.) Why only one? Because, and I state it definitively now, this country is retail hell. My mom could pick out where the accesories worn on Australian Idol come from. And she is not a shopaholic. It's that bad. That's why I only bought one. And now that I think about it, it's overpriced. Dayum. Oh well, it looks nice. Not gonna state what it is or who it's for cuz that would break the surprise now wouldn't it?

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Guess what.

If by now you don't see pattern, there is something very wrong.



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