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Your Prayers


Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Whee. First public performance of pianoness. I messed up at least once, but only two people really noticed. I am grateful for those two people. The playing bit was fun, the applause was ok, the congratulations ranged from happy me to pure WTF? Some were basic 'congrats that was good' type stuff. Nothing against that. One case of WTF came when a group of Year 8's mobbed me to 'shake my hand'. What in the hell? I ran out of that. Fast. Very fast. So did my bro. He was stuck in the middle with me. Whee. These people scare me.

Gave first tuition lesson. Damn that was both boring and tiring. But it is for money, and we all want money. Hopefully the crazy girl actually learned something from me. I like to earn my money.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Eyes... burning... don't bother... putting... out...

Ok, my eyes burn. They let a guy with a fat ass wear a thong on TV. ON TV. It wasn't even an M rated thing, hell it was an ad. God save us.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Whee. Apparently, I'm going to start charging for giving tuition. Crazy girl is -still- shocked that I would think of charging her. Yeah, sorry but I don't show favouritism to my students... xD Anyway, I'm already charging minimum wage. $20 an hour. Sounded a bit steep to me and I was going to offer it at $15 since I'm new to this profession, but my mom wouldn't have it =D Should probably start advertising soon. Would like to have more than one student.

Teachers are very free with advice on how to tutor in this country. Probably a good thing. I like to earn my money. Official charging starts next week. Now is a promotionary period.

Was free dress day. Some guy took it too literally and came in a dress. Dear Lord, my eyes are a river of pain.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Best. Chem. Lesson. EVER.

We chucked sodium into water just to watch it explode. How could that not be hot? First one failed due to too much wind and we all complained so much that the teacher chucked in a second bigger piece. THAT one blew up. Hawtness.

We then wanted to see if it would spontaneously combust when in contact with oxygen. It didn't, so we all blew on it just to be idiots. Some guy in the class who doesn't take chem said "Don't worry everyone, if it catches fire, I've got the hose to put it out." Yeah... I was the one to break the news to him. The look on his face pretty much said "Oh shit". Funny.

During lunch, had the conversation which just might lead to me getting my own income.

Teacher: Ah, I see you brought me a pie.
T: Anyway, the point is, I hear you've been tutoring (name), is that true?
Me: Reluctantly, yes.
T: Reluctantly?
M: Yeah, she isn't paying me.
T: Ah yes, anyway, we've been looking into getting a tutor for her but if you're willing to do it that's fine.
M: Yeah, I guess I'm ok with it. (Note the use of bombastic dialogue. Damn right I'm tutor material.)
T: Yes, and the school wouldn't want you to do this for free.
M: Oh, I understand. I wouldn't want to do it for free either.

Person I'm tutoring was pretty shocked that I would ask for payment. Its like, who would have expected -ME- of all people to -CHARGE- someone for my services. Bloody hell, THAT'S out of character.

Hopefully, I'll get my own income and finally be able to afford all those gifts I keep saying I'm gonna buy people. Yay. Fingers crossed and whatever other superstitous shit that superstitious people do.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The pain

Meh. Had film festival for English. 3 films, all about aboriginals. Dear God the pain. To be fair, the first was pretty okish to goodish, the second was a documentary so meh, and the third was total utter crap. Then went to watch pink panther. Mehness.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Meh, went to a weird ball type thing on Friday. Everyone was saying that "this is the most important event of the year" "you will regret it for life if you don't come" yadda yadda yadda. It was ok, I guess, but nothing amazing. I had three damn plates of food. Yes dad, I can already feel your dissappointed face. I'm going out of practise. Didn't even consider dancing and spent my night folding paper lilies from the napkin type things we were given. Made five, gave them all away. 20 minutes each. Bloody hell I should have charged.

Had an essay for English. It goes towards my final mark. I totally didn't prepare and, in fact, forgot about it till English class. Made shit up on the spot. Then again, what's new.

That's right. Nothing.

Friday, March 17, 2006

What else? Meh!

Meh, had a weird ball type thing. It was meh. Ok, fine, it was 'ok'. Ate three plates of food before the crazy caterer took all the food away. Meh, I was full anyway. I am ashamed of myself. I'm out of practise. Made five paper lilies. Gave them away to various people. Seriously, I wish I could say more, but there is nothing more to say. Is this one of those 'you will remember this for the rest of your life' kind of moments? Maybe. I'm not a party person. I prefer mano e mano kind of things.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Got two tests back. In one of them I lost a mark cuz I was honest. Honesty is supposed to pay off... obviously its one of those long term investments.

Winglin is back online, so I rejoice. For those of you who visit this pathetic excuse for a blog (all 2 of you) check this out www.winglin.net/fanfic/cha05_50u1 Beware, it is the first draft and is still highly incomplete, and if the site crashes again, I shall go meh.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Parents drove me around to beach type thing. You know all those generalisations about beach bums and crackheads? They're true. One of them winked at my mom. I would've killed him if I had a weapon. Another guy stopped right in the middle of the public road to take a fuggin' piss. Honestly, what the fuck? Just cuz your face is as ugly as a dog's doesn't mean you have to act like one. Actually, screw that, I love dogs. Don't insult them. Also, I know they behave better than that.

Ok, here's something that isn't good. Heard in the news that 3 kids aged 8,9 and 10 died and all I could say was 'Meh'. Shit, this isn't good. I'm as shocked about my apparent apathy as you all probably are. Damn, either this country is getting to me or I am, and this is even scarier, growing up!!! The demon of apathy consumeth!

Quote from two days ago.
Brother: Ok... how many people is this meal supposed to serve?
Dad: 2
Me: Yeah, 2 Aussies. 4 Chinese. 6 Africans.

Yeah, its racist, but meh.


Then again, I was always a racist asshole.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Insect-human personality dual-resonance theorem

Today, I saw a condom on the floor out in the middle of a shopping center. Welcome to Australia.

More evidence to back up my insect-human personality dual-resonance theorem. The flies not only go for your face, they hang around for a long time after you attempt to swat them away. One danced on my eyelid. Also, the mosquitoes are bastards as well. And they are freaky geniuses. I killed more than twenty just by rubbing my hand across my arm. Spatial perception is not a big thing here, obviously. Damn, I started this theory as a joke, but now, seriously, socialogists or whoever researches this kind of thing should really look into this matter. It holds great interest. I mean it.



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