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Your Prayers


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Wasted a day. Again. If time wasting were a crime, I'd get life. Go me. Only one interesting thing happened today, though 'interesting' isn't the best word for it.

Ok, there's a pastor. On national television. Preaching. What's wrong with that? Nothing, unless you count the fact that he's preaching hedonism. Under the guise of preaching Christianity, he stands up there in front of a massive audience preaching about the virtue of 'abundance'. He even has scripture to back him up. You want scripture, jackass? Take this. Luke 6: 20, "Looking at his disciples, he said: "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God." HA! Well, I learnt something today. There is no greater instrument for the spread of Satanism than the Bible itself, when taken in parts. Satan himself took scripture to tempt Jesus.

Let's all give a big shout. 1... 2... 3... SCREW HEDONISM!!! ^^



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