[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Sunday, November 27, 2005


Yesterday, I went ice skating. Fell down five times. Then went crabbing. Like fishing except I'm catching crabs. Caught 8, all undersize. Let a big one get away. Then I want to father's friends house and didn't get back till after midnight. That's why I didn't blog.

Today, lightning storm rendered my TV and cable DESTROYED. Also, for the strangest reason my dad's watch stopped. Totally the wrong things to experience right after watching War of the Worlds. Meh.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Good news

Did nothing interesting. Same as yesterday. From now on I'm only going to blog when interesting things happen. Or if I get infirmed.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Exams over. Hols start after tomorrow. Here's to the hours of absolutely DELICIOUS boredom ahead of me. Played Radiata Stories. Its fun. Gonna continue tomorrow because I do not have a social life.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Chem exam. Left out a question. It was about solubilities, they gave us this big table and ask us to fill in the blanks. Note that the chemicals used were also blanks. Joyness. Apart from that, I left nothing out. I hope.

Chem prac was weird. Someone spilled bromine water and the entire place stank. I now have inhaled poisonous fumes of cyclohexene, bromine and chlorine. I rock. Spilled calcium carbonate all over my pants. No one saw. I think. This time I wore safety goggles, so I'm garunteed at least one mark.

Exams all out. Thursday is the last day of school. Oddly enough, my euphoria levels are down. Meh.

Monday, November 21, 2005

And the longwindedness comes back

Had econs and B&V exams. Econs was ok. Ish. At least I didn't leave anything blank. Its a sad thing, but I've realized that while studying, you may think you know everything, but there will always be something, one little thing that rears its ugly head and make you say 'OH CRAP!'. The problem of course is that no matter how much you study, you will never know how much you DO know until a question comes. And by then its too late. Dammit. Oh well. Its over, no point in worrying now.

B&V was utterly craptastic. I have never had to churn out as much crap, except in English, and that's because the English exam is an hour longer. How bad was it? Well... Usually when you look at the clock during an exam you go "Oh shit I don't have enough time." Here I was going "Oh shit its not over yet." I thoroughly hated every Godgiven moment of it, a bizarre irony as I'm supposed to be learning about God. Oh well. Sucks to be me, now let's move on.

I got an extra mark for physics. Sadly, so did Joshua, so now I'm STILL behind him by half a mark. Dammit.

Chemisty tomorrow. Strangely, I'm not scared. Its as if leaving the hellhole that is B&V behind has lifted my spirit into a state of euphoria. Whether that's a good thing, I'll soon find out. Meh.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Went for airshow. Played billiards. Lost.

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Broke my promise and played on the PS2. But not before I had read through all my topic summaries for Econs. I recall some stuff. Going to continue tomorrow. Probably going tp memorise some stuff for B&V too. Though I loathe it. Oh well.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Another dismal day

Had intro calc exam. It was easy, which is a bad thing because that means I made mistakes. Oh well. Everyone else thought it was easy too. Now all I have to look forward to are Econs, B&V and chem, which has an exam and a prac. I'm gonna be studying for econs a bit over the weekend. As for B&V, If I gave a shit, the teacher would be the first one I'd give it to. Chem will come after that. I just need to look at a couple of things about bonding. In keeping with my oath, I'm not going to play PS2 during this weekend. That doesn't exactly mean I'm going to spend every waking moment studying, but its a start.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Didn't go to school cuz its History exam and I don't take History. Instead I was at home. I played piano for an hour-ish and the rest of the time spent was lost to me. Am I bored? Hell yeah, but I've promised myself no gaming till exams are over. An unusual display of sense, coming from me. It won't last though. Only five more to go. Whoop-de-doo.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Crazy people

Had G&T exam. Fun. According to the people I asked, I was the only one to finish the paper in its entirety. Going to think they were lying. Its better for my nonexistant superiority complex.

Girls were chasing my during recess. For all the guys who are thinking "Sweet dude!" let me just say it was not what I call fun. It was good exercise though. Anyway, the first girl, whose name is ommited to protect her privacy even though Lord above knows I couldn't give two shits about defamation laws, is a girl who, in a friend's words, "has got the hots for everything that lives. Trees included." So, in keeping with her tradition, she tried to hug me. Now, she has attempted to pull that stunt before and frequent visitors to this sad excuse for a blog should remember the girl who pinched my cheeks (the ones on my face) and gave me baby-talk. Same girl. Anyway, I was eating, and one does not hug me while I'm eating and standing up at the same time. So I bolted. She followed for about ten to fifteen metres. I have never been more thankful for NAPFA. Anyway, another girl sees us and thinks were playing catching, so she asks if she can join in. In jest, I said "Sure, if you want to." Sarcasm is a lost art. So she starts running after me as well. But she isn't much of a runner. So instead she takes to attempting to ambush me at every turn. And getting her friends to grab me when I outrun her. I simply charged at them and they got scared so they didn't work.

After recess, I settled down to study, but its pretty hard to do that when there is no oxygen in your brain. So the talk in the library turns inane. It eventually degenerated into people asking me if I would kiss various people in school. I answered 'No' to all of them. Don't ask.

Endnote: This post is not intended to defame the crazy hugging girl, neither is it intended to defame Australians in general. Its just that this was the only action, and indeed exercise, I have gotten in a while.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Physics exam. Yayness. Could have gotten full, but I forgot what dispersion was. And I'll probably get a couple of marks taken off for wrong formula usage. Read the time wrongly. Though it was 3 20 when it was 2 20. I suck. ^^ Oh well. G&T tomorrow. That's gonna be fun. Another chance at getting full marks. I hope. Meh.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Had English exam. Going to purge my bag of all English related items. Four essays and I only managed 6 pages. Well my handwriting is small. Speaking of handwriting, I hope they can read mine. Tomorrow is physics, and here I am blogging instead of studying. Well, all the time I should have spent studying for English was spent studying for physics, so meh.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Met three friends today. Nick Hui, Thaddeus and Mitchell. Does my aching heart good. For a while, I was genuinely happy. Now I've undergone the freefall back to my usual angsty self. Well, it's not usual. It's the aftereffect of living here. What is it about this place I don't like? Not sure. It's just not home. Will I be like this in the future, when I will possibly have to study overseas? Possibly not. By then, I shall be older and more unnattached to my emotions. Is that a good thing? Duh. Anyway, thanks to seeing my friends, I know miss home even more. Yay.

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Dryed dishes. Then I washed dishes. Then I hung up laundry. Then I organized math notes. Then I made lunch. Cup noodles. ^^ Then I studied for physics. Had planned to study for english, but I ended up falling asleep. After sleeping I played PS2 a bit. Then I had to go for some weird party. My bro and I kept to ourselves, as is our custom. For some reason I scared some of the kids there just by standing around. No comment.

Friday, November 11, 2005


Exams next week and I'm still playing PS2. Go me. I did study though. Physics and math. English is the first one, But I seriously don't know how to study for it. How does one study for 4 essays? Oh well. I got some practise questions so I'll attempt them.

Found the answer for the math thing.

2xy = x^2 + y^2
xy + xy = x^2 + y^2
Therefore, y=x

Missed out on that. Buggeration. Got 82% could have gotten 92%. Bleh. Not going to make that same mistake in exams. Or else I'll slap myself ^^

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Had the G&T test from hell. Polar graphs and 3D vectors. Would have been easy stuff, but I had to draw and recognize polar graphs. Messed up on the recognizing. On the single question I might have gotten right, I forgot to put in the almighty 'r=' that every polar equation should have. Wups. As for drawing, while I had my calculator with my to sketch out the pretty pictures, on one of them I input a '-' instead of a '+'. Go me. And another one of them did not have the almighty 'r='. So, next best thing, try converting to Cartesian form and working it out from there.

sin2theta = 1
r^2sin2theta = r^2
r^2(2 sintheta costheta) = r^2
2 rsintheta rcostheta = r^2
2xy = x^2 + y^2

....................................And how in the hell do I draw THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?

Anyway, gonna follow my own advice and not worry about what's over. Go me. Anyway, assuming all my 3D vector stuff was correct, I should still get 80%. Ish. Not amazing, but it'll have to do.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Got 2 awards today. No money. Bah. ^^ I don't like getting awards. Cuz then people recognize me. Then they congratulate me. I hate getting congratulated. It just feels so weird. People don't get that. Well people don't get a lot of things about me. Its not that I'll turn into a werewolf and kill you if you congratulate me. I'll just probably cover my ears and sing loudly. And badly. Maybe I'm just shy, but meh.

G&T test tomorrow. Fun. I don't know what it's on and as a result I haven't studied for it. Wups.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Insert title here

Got physics test back. 56.5/60. Meh. Could have done better. Results for some math competition I entered. Got a distinction. Not a high distinction so I'm not gonna throw parties anytime soon. Washed dishes a lot. Yay.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Econs test. Happy happy joy joy. It was ok-ish. Could I have done better? Of course. One can always do better. That's about all that happened.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Parents held a party. I had to work all day getting the house ready. Yay. I had no time to study. Not that I would have anyway. ^^ New game obsession: Phantom Brave. Econs test tomorrow. Hooray.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Spent most of the morning vacuuming. Sucked in a sock by accident. Then I chopped meat. Fun. I think I'm becoming quite domestic. Wonder if that's a good thing. -.-"

Friday, November 04, 2005


Had physics test. Didn't study cuz we had practise test earlier where I screwed up and took hours instead of seconds as the standard unit of time. Didn't make that mistake this time. I think. Here's a conversation that took place before the test.

Girl 1: >< Argh now I have to study for physics!
Me: oO We have a physics test?
Girl 2: Shame on you
Me: Meh
G1: So go study now!
Me: Why bother?
G1: cuz you're going to get a better mark than me anyway and I'll end up feeling bad that I can't beat you even though I studied.
Me: O.O So this is more for you than me right?
G1: Yep!



Had physics test. Didn't study cuz we had a practise test earlier. I was brain dead and took hours as the basic unit of time, causing me to lose muchos marks. Anyway, as far as I can remember, I didn't make that mistake again. Anyway, test took place after lunch. Before lunch, I had an interesting conversation.

> Hmmmm? We have a physics test? <=====note the clulessness
Shame on you.
Study now then.
Why bother?
Cuz you're going to get better marks than me and if you get better marks without studying I'll feel stupid.
oO so this is more for you than me right?
^.^ yep

Still slightly brain dead. Might be from doing all that physics. Meh.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Got physics test back. It should be a mascot for anti carelessness. Lost marks cuz I took hours instead of seconds as the standard unit of time. Also, for the equation F=kq1q2/r^2, I ended up multiplying r instead. Go me.

Had chem test on hydrocarbons. Didn't have my calculator. Go me. I kinda need it when there are three variables.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Brain down. Can't remember.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Poison type stuff

Got a lousy mark for chem test. 34/40. Could have done better. Got cyclohexane on my hand. Took me 2 seconds to realise that I had just gotten a poisonous substance on my body. Then I sniffed it. I need to crank my I.Q. up a bit. Hope I don't end up dead tomorrow.



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