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Your Prayers


Monday, October 31, 2005


Had surprise English compre. Not those easy compres, an essay compre. \/\/0()7. I reacted rather ok I think. Made stuff up on the spot. Three passages. First two were about fantasy, so yay. Last one was a description of the hero from some book. Reading it was kinda gay. From my essay "Honestly I was turned off by the description of the character which sounded as if it came from a fangirl, albeit one with an excellent vocabulary." Hooray.

Had introcalc thing. Might have lost marks over misintepretation of a graph. I should get follow-through marks though, so I probably won't fail. Badly.

Spent the entire G&T lesson trying to print past exam papers. `/`/[]{}T.

My hair now has to be tied up during school hours. Yay. At least I don't have to cut it. Why don't I just cut it? Well... I'm neurotic. XD

Had the scariest experience of my life. A girl hugged me. A lot. For a long time. And played with my face like I was a baby. Am I thrilled? HELL NO!!!111!!!oneone!!ELEVEN. Am I gay? Last time I checked, no.



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