[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Thursday, June 30, 2005


Stayed at home today. Went through a practice paper for Physics. Memorised all concepts that I did not know. And all the formulae. Hoping that tomorrows paper will be as easy as this one. If so, I think I'll be able to ace it. One more day, then come the hols. Unlike back home, I'm looking forward to it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Had Intro Calc test today. For once, it wasn't painful, only highly irritating. When I was checking it, the second I spotted a mistake and was about to correct it, the teacher says "Pens down." W.....T.....F........WTFWTFWTF! Argh. Oh well, it was worth one mark at most. Still, this was the only paper where I had a good chance of getting full marks and now its gone. Damn. No school tomorrow. Next exam on Friday. Bah.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Had Chem paper today. It was painful. My head was reeling. Then I made the mistake of attempting to study a heavy subject after having had the exam for a heavy subject. I got a splitting headache because of that. Damn.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Had Econs test today. Bullshitted my way through most of it. Didn't get as much written as I would have liked. Got my G&T results back. 94/120. Lousy. I need to buck up big time. Tomorrow is Chem.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


Played badminton today. A lot. For a long time. Had the best high ever. Seriously, times like this I wonder why take drugs? Even though I once again neglected warmup, I felt better than ever since coming here. Granted I suck at it, but it still rules. Other than that, nothing interesting happened today.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Did that for almost my entire afternoon. And some of the morning. Nothing but Econs. Now, THAT has to be the most boring afternoon of my life. Worst bit is, I don't think I did enough. Bah, I'll continue tomorrow. I am SOOOO tired and my eyes are going nuts. I think I need specs. Or maybe it's because my hair is so long it covers my eyes. Whatever.

Friday, June 24, 2005

No comment.

Had the worst math exam of my life today. Left out one question and couldnt finish another. Means for sure about 12 marks are gone. And that's if I got everything else correct. Argh. As quoted from my friend, "It was painful." Also, I pressed a wrong button on my calculator, so i got a certain step wrong. I am bracing for a loss of 20 marks, which in my book is absolutely crapadelic. Damn am I slipping. Had a chem prac as well. That was actually fun. Mixing up chemicals is always a joy. Still.......something needs to be done about my math. I am totally sick and tired of the entire world thinking I'm this genius kid. Fact is, I'm not. I am possibly the most ordinary kid in the universe and, quite frankly, that's not enough for me. I want to excel. I want to excel above those who excel. Not for myself, but for my parents and my friends. For the ones I care for, I can do what I cannot do for myself.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Had my English paper today. Unlike anything I have ever had to do for an English exam. Four essays in three hours. That was all I had to do. No MCQ, no compre, thats is. I think I failed. At least, I sure didn't get an "A". I hate writing essays. I got advice from six people, one of whom showed me her notes, the other five said pretty much the same thing. Write crap. I followed their advice to the letter. In the three hours that ensued I proceeded to chrun out the largest volume of literary crap that I have ever created at a stretch. As I have done for every other English assignment. Before the exam started I was dancing in the rain like a maniac. Why? Cuz it was fun. After it I went to the library to study but it degraded into a dirty joke session. Bah, English paper is over and I have never felt more free.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


They start tomorrow. First one is English. Argh. If I could skip it I would. Have to write four essays. FOUR. I'll just have to bullshit my way through them because as of now, I have no idea how the hell to actually write one. Come to that, it would seem that everything I have ever done for English, according to me, has been complete and utter bullshit. All compos, compres, EVERYTHING. The marks I get are not at all earned through planning. IT IS ALL BULLSHIT!!! All I can do now is to try and do the same and hope I get good marks for it. Honestly, I would be happy to get 60+ for this paper.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Once again, I have nothing of interest to say. Got chem test results back. 28/30. I was careless, so in my book that still counts as crap. And I should have gotten 27. Argh. Exams start on thursday and NOW is the time that my brain suddenly decides to shut down. I seriously cannot get any studying done. My eyes just slide out of focus. Damn. Must.....strengthen.......resolve......

Monday, June 20, 2005


Didn't study today. I'm too tired. Got intro calc test back. 45/55. Crap. I'm now on 73% for the subject. More crap. Exams start this week. Mega crap.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Guess what?

Nothing happened again. Really. Nothing. At all. Any of you guys reading this and thinking that YOUR life sucks, honestly you don't know how lucky you are.

Saturday, June 18, 2005


Nothing of great interest happened today. Well, i found out that the song I composed has a life of its own. Twice I played it today and both times something in it changed. Oh well, When it stops changing, I bet it will sound even better than the way I started it off.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Had Intro Calc test today. For the first time in my life I actually needed the full time given to me to do MATH. Got my G&T test back as well. Got 52. Out of 55. Pretty good, but I could have gotten full so I'm not happy. Also, I'm now sitting on 84% overall. Not a good thing. Bah, it's the weekend now and I have composed another song. Yay. It sounds a bit like thunder. Whatever, I like it.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. Was studying. And I should be right now too but I'm tired. Anyway, Yesterday I had a chem test and today I had a econs and a trig test. Tomorrow I have intro calc. My life is just so much fun...
Conformation that the world will end soon. The Palm Of Judea has returned. The last days are nigh. Repent now, for the Son of Man comes, and none know the hour when save the Father. Who can stop him? Who can stand against him? The time has come and the world shall soon face His wrath.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Had basketball today. Didn't warm up and as a result I had a massive headache and my vision went blurry. But it was fun. I scored a three pointer completely by luck. Wanted to pass it to the guy closer to the hoop but ended up overshooting and as a result it landed in the hoop. When I came home, I spent a solid four hours programing my calculator. Bloody. My head needs oxygen dammit. Oh well. It's my fault. Can't blame anyone else.

Monday, June 13, 2005


I think I'm catching up with term one stuff. I had to teach a girl in my class how to do her maths. Goody. Apart from that, nothing else happened.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Studied a bit, did homework, that's about it. It's getting so cold i have to wear a jacket indoors. Fun.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Studied a bit today. Covered everything from term one trigonometry. Went out for the rest of the day. Sea breeze is so strong my jaw froze, like I had lockjaw. It hurt. Now it is REALLY starting to get cold. I miss the tropics. Argh...><

Friday, June 10, 2005


Ok....first off, I'd like to apologise for not being online these past two days. Reasons is, I was studying. No, really. Exams are coming up and I STILL hadn't caught up completely so my mom got me on a studying regime. First two days I went all out, but now I've reduced it to around three to four hours. The rest of the time I get to rest, so here I am.
Now for the report on me pathetic life. ZILCH. Nothing of great interest happened, save me seeing my first rainbow. Apart from that, nothing. No crushes, no amazing religious experiences, no attempts on my life, nothing. oh well, I kinda like it this way.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Back to school.

Oh boy, what do I write about? Well, it hails occasionally, the rain is intermittent and it is so cold I would freeze if I wore short anything. Damn I hate the weather. School is still on and exams are in a couple of weeks. I apparently do not care much. One whole term missed out. Argh. Oh well, I'll just wing it and see what happens, as I have done for most of my life.

Monday, June 06, 2005


I REALLY miss home. My life is just so damn boring. I miss my friends. Admittedly some more than others, but there is no one who I'm glad not to be able to see. I got rid of that guy long ago.^^ Bah, want to go back, see all my friends, say hi to my xiong di jie mei. Dammit.

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Was out all day today. Couldn't do any studying. Oh well, tomorrow is a holiday so I can spend it studying. Still, one wasted day. Damn...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

The future.......

Watched Episode III today. Seems like the world really is coming to that end. God let my fears be false. Let my premonitions since young all be a lie....

The future......

Watched Episode III today. Story was warped, as were the religious undertones present. Fight scenes ruled though. Watching it, I couldn't help but feel some demonic force present. As if the film was really a parallel to the world soon to come. I pray I am wrong when I say this. The future, quite frankly, is filled with dread from my point of view. I keep seeing the future as being dead. Damn......
God, please let this all be wrong......

Friday, June 03, 2005


Cleaned room today. Apparently I'm not just lazy, it IS really a spiritually taxing task. I really felt completely drained the moment my mom said to clean it up. Wierd. HAd dinner at a posh restaurant. Like most of the other ones, I'm paying for prestige, not food. The food sucked. Total most of money. Argh.....

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Once again.

Back to living my boring life. Nothing interesting happened today. I kinda like it like that though. Still.....bleh......

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Got pissed off today. Damn people can't leave me alone. If I wanted to hang out with you I would have done so. Leave. Me. The. Hell. Alone! Give me my space dammit! Stop trying to encroach upon me! If I look like an unwanted orphan child, FINE!! SO BE IT!! Don't feel the need to include me. I don't want to be included in your friggin' clique. And another thing. Don't expect me to be nice. I tell you now that I will deliver the truth as it comes. No sugarcoating, no tact, No thought at all for your feelings. If you don't like the truth, That's just too damn bad. Don't try to give me that 'How would you feel if I said this to you?' bullshit. I would feel pretty damn happy! Tell me the friggin' truth! Screw political correctness! Give me the damn truth! I don't want you to bother with the delivery of it. Just give it to me! Hell......

You people are a nation built upon deceit and it shames me even to include myself amongst humans knowing that people like you exist.



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