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Your Prayers


Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Lately, coming out of English class, I've been feeling utterly fed up with the world. Must be because we're doing 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Great book but the racism in it just pisses me off. Today we watched a snippet of a film documenting what lynch mobs did to those people. Once again, pissed off. If I had $10 for every time I wanted to shout out 'FUCK!' during that I could buy a plane ticket back home. Its bloody sickening. Worst part is it was devoid of all reason. It wasn't a study of human prejudice. It was a study of animalistic behaviour. If this is the way humans act, then sure as God lives I don't want to be human. The shame of association is enough to drive me to insanity. I thank God I'm not white, otherwise I would be under a majur guilt attack for my waking hours. Unecessary guilt, true, but its gonna be there nevertheless. I;m not saying white people are bastards, I'm saying racist people are bastards.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Nothing interesting to say. My life is boring. Not that I'm complaining. I think its a blessing. Suppose everyday some new weirdness popped up. I would get a very warped picture of what real life is like. Still, real life sucks. Ah, NOW I'm complaining.

Monday, August 29, 2005


Today was weird. It passed by so fast I didn't realize. Spent recess reading Bible. Spent lunch praying. People still think I'm weird. Wish they would mind their own business. =P While I was praying it started to drizzle lightly. And I mean lightly. It was so faint I didn't notice it. Then some girls came over with an umbrella for me and asked if I wanted it. Generally, my rule is that if I cannot be soaked in thirty seconds, I don't need an umbrella. Maybe that comes from living in Singapore all my life. That would also explain why those girls could not understand that the drizzle was, to me, NOTHING. Seriously. Wish people would mind their own business and not overeact. I don't not like it that they care, I don't like it that they care when its not necessary. I play golf during rain, why would this stop me?

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Woke up late. Slept a lot. All in all, my day was pretty wasted.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Woke up late today. Did random stuff in the morning then went to some botanical garden. Botany is apprently wasted on me cuz I didn't find much to see. Went for a party at night. Didn't know anyone there. Was bored. Ate a bit. Talked a bit. That's it. I'm just not a party person.

Friday, August 26, 2005


Had Beliefs and Values today. Was crap as usual. Something is definitely not right. Let me put it this way. I start out with Intro Calc. Heavy math. I speed through it like a greyhound on steriods. My mind still is active. It screms 'Give me more!' Then I go for recess. By the way, I spent it praying. So I go for recess and my mind is even more in condition for work. My thinking and rationalizing skills are still at normal levels. Then I walk into the Beliefs and Values class and, I shit you not, my mind shuts down.

I'm not talking about the kind of thing where you're worked and you can't handle the stress. If anything, I was underworked. This shutdown was like certain areas of my brain lost function. I could read, I could listen, but I sure as hell could not understand or think. My cognitive skills had left the room leaving no forwarding address. Weirdest thing is, when it ended and I stepped into the G&T class, more heavy math, my brain had used its awesome ninja skills to burrow back in my skull. I could do it. Dayum this is weird.

In other news, I completed FFX2. The reason for my replaying it is that I wanted 100% completion. Obviously I screwed up cuz when I finished it, I had 99%. Dayum. 60 hours and I failed my objective. Argh.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Ok, first of, intro. In my mom's car, there is this hat which my bro likes to wear. Today he forgot to take it off when we arrived at school. That's when I got stuck with it. So all day I had to wear a woman's hat. Received more than my fair share of compliments about it. Some girl wants me to get one for her. Yeah, that's gonna happen. Had to tell the story to a lot of teachers. At least they thought it was funny. Meh.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I've found that I enjoy getting into a drunken stupour and praying. Its kinda fun, except that people think I'm a total freak. Actually, come to think of it, its totally fun. Other than that, not much.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Free dress.

Was free dress day in school today. That means I can show up in whatever the hell I feel like wearing. For a price. $1 for clothes and $2 for jewelery. Had my ring and pendants but I hid them so I only paid $1. Wore black shirt, white jacket, jeans. If I had a dollar from every kid who came to school in jeans I would be rich.

A kid came in a clown suit. No kid. Another one came with a santa hat, two ties and a big black towel draped over himself. I wanted to come in my pajamas but I didn't know if it was considered 'acceptable'. Turns out it isn't. Asked the guys at school about it and the went off into a story about a guy who did that and got expeled or something like that. Meh.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Today, I stood facing sun with my head bowed during recess and lunch. Reason is simple enough if you think about it. One, I'm in the sun because I'm cold. Two, I've got my head bowed so I don't burn my face in the process. However, some people for some reason got it into their heads that I'm depressed or other such nonsense. Sure I miss the people back home enough to cry, but I'm not depressed. If I would never return, THEN I would be depressed. Now I'm just sad, maybe a bit dissapointed.
Anyway, here are these persons coming up to me asking all sorts of weird questions like 'Are you ok?' 'Missing your girlfriend?' and other such things. One, I'm fine, just sad, maybe slightly despondent but otherwise ok. Two, sad to say, I do not have a girlfriend, and much do I doubt I will ever get one.
Then, while praying in tongues while standing up there, some girls come along and make the mental connection that since I am not praying in English I must be praying to Vishnu. All of you reading this, please say it out with me: WTF! It's obvious they have never heard Indians talking before.
Also, while up there, I sometimes find the need to stretch a bit. So I do that. Unfortunately, my idea of stetching is their idea of 'Holy shit dude are you double-jointed?'
Now I am a bona fide weirdo. Yay for me. I'm not gonna bother dispeling that notion. It's more trouble than its worth. Also, I think its true. ^^

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Finished my homework in ten minutes and started playing PS2. Then went for badminton and basketball. Played barefoot so now my feet really hurt. Wish I was back home. My friends are all doing homework. It would help with my boredom if I had something like that to do.

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Played FFX2 all day. Don't ask. I probably don't have answers.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Got math test back. 34/48. Crap. Could have gotten full but was careless. Damn. That's it. My life is boring.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Had hail late last night. This morning it was so cold I went to school with my pyjamas under my uniform. And it was still friggin cold. Four lousy layers I wore and I was shivering like the head of an electric toothbrush.

Had chem test. Didn't study. Handed up early. Don't ask.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Found out I got a High Distinction for some weird science thing that I apparently did. All I got was a lousy piece of paper. Meh. I was hoping for some cash. That was the highlight of today. Some highlight.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Brain dead tuition.

Had chinese tuition today. Joy. Just like old times.
Had PE. Didn't do my stretching. ended up playing basketball in a dazed state. My brain wasn't fully functioning and my vision was blurry. Meh. After that, while people were pelting balls at each other, I stood in a corner and did weird jigs for peoples amusement. Yay.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Acted gay a bit. Was fun. The rest of the day was kind of a blur cuz I felt half drunk.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Woke up. Went to church. Ate crap lunch at cheap restaurant. Shopped a bit. Went home. Played FFX2. Ate great dinner at home. Got drunk. Blogged. Meh.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Played Final Fantasy X-2 all day. Go figure.

Friday, August 12, 2005


Friday. Would be a perfect day if not for Beliefs and Values. Don't know why I dislike it. I just do. A year ago, I would not have believed it could be boring but my teacher is so amazing he manages to take this subect and make me dislike it. Kudos to him. Meh, nothing interesting happened.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Had econs essay today. I think I failed. For real. Worth 15 marks and I only had time to write 8 paragraphs. Not a good thing. I think my friend is on drugs. She got 19 paragraphs. Whatever it is she's taking, I got to get me some of that.

Had the best form class today. Mostly because form teacher wasn't here. Spent the time debating over the meaning of love and stuff like that. Best time I had al day.

Friday tomorrow, which means beliefs and values which is bad but which means weekend which is good. I don't know how my teacher makes beliefs and values, a subject I thought I would enjoy, boring but he manages it. Go him? Hell no!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Attended a career expo today. Missed out on an hour of school because of it. Yay. Still have no idea what to do with my life, but I'll take it as it comes and decide when the time is right. When that will come I have no idea. Meh.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

National Day...

For the first time in my life, I was not with the Nation on National Day. While my friends get games day and a two day holidya I get school. Lucky me. I feel really lousy right now and am constantly wishing that I could be with my friends, even for a while. Only celebration I got was some dinner at some restaurant. Wore my red shirt.

This morning I woke up and sung the National Anthem and said the pledge in 3 languages. Yay.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Meh. Went to school, came back, what more can I say?

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Was playing all day. Should have been doing my homework but my bro was on the com doing his homework. It's just one endless chain of homework. Meh.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Did that today and as a result I was out of the house for the ENTIRE day and couldn't do my homework. Yay? Anyway. I managed to catch ONE lousy fish. It was a flathead, whatever that is. Meh. Seeing as most of the day was spent in the car driving to the spot, thats about it.

Oh yeah. Outside a petrol kiosk along the way there is this weird thing which my family have dubbed "The Teddy Bear Tree" The reason is simple. It's a tree(wow I NEVER would have figured THAT out) with a myriad teddy bears hanging from it. And I mean HANGING. Some of them are broken with the stuffing hanging out and they are all dirty. It's the kind of thing that, had the Adam's Family known about it, they would uproot the tree right now and have it replanted in their backyard. It's THAT MACABRE. Damn I think it's gonna give me nightmares. Especially since we crossed it at night. Scarier than "The Ring" Meh.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Had a rapper in school today. Yes you read that right. A friggin RAPPER. Latino man with major bling and looking as homey as they come. It was pretty weird. Especially in SCHOOL of all places. What's more, my school is a CHRISTIAN (read: STIFFASSUPTIGHT) one. Still, the weirdest bit has to be the fact that the rapper was a gospel rapper. How many of those exist? Maybe it's me being ignorant to the genre of music but gospel rap? Does that sound wrong to anyone? Meh.

Another weird thing. Lately, when girls I know see me walking along school corridors and say hi, I don't just say hi. Instead, I say gay things like "Hi gorgeous!" or "Hi beautiful!" complete with a gay accent. Go figure. Think I'll continue doing that though. It's kinda fun seeing their reactions. Meh.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Ha ha.

I laughed so much today my jaw started hurting. Most of my laughter was directed at the antics of other people, most of which I've forgotten so this post will be decidedly much shorter than it could be. Meh.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

La dee da dee da

As you can see from the title, I'm rather stoned. Couple of things happened today. Had two tests and I'm set for one more tomorrow. Fun. Watched Mississippi Burning. It's some warped movie about rascism with the Ku Klux Klan and killing and stuff. The language used is also horrible, but I find that adds realism. Also found out something about one of my teachers, but it would kinda be a breach of privacy to tell that. Sad ain't it?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Got to do my homework today. Sad. It's English, a subject which I haven't taken kindly to for the past few months. Don't know why. I just spontaneously decided not to like it. I'm sure there's a reason but I can't pinpoint it. Meh. I have to do a timeline for a book I haven't read. Joy. I also have to make up a cheap brochure that documents the life of Harper Lee. More joy. Then there is math stuff, but I could probably finish that in a couple of minutes so I really couldn't care less about it right now.

Monday, August 01, 2005


No school tomorrow. Yay. What the occasion is I don't know but I'm not going to question it. Got English homework to do, but I could probably finish it in half an hour. Gonna start a bit today anyway. Apart from that, I might continue my long stagnant story. Yay.



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