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Your Prayers


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

This is not a title

Had an essay for English. Girl in my class complained that she didn't have enough time. Obviously I wrote too little, 'cuz I had so much time I started to draw a chibi on the back of my essay notes.

Teacher: OK, time's up. Hand in your essay with your notes attached.

... Thankfully I was drawing in pencil.

Got some wierdo award for something I apparently did. People I had never met before were congratulating me. Beam me up Spock. The natives are overlyfriendly. I fear ulterior motives. As for myself, I'm ticked off 'cuz I didn't get money.

Went fishing. Caught nothing (go me) and got my finger pierced by the hook twice. My hands were so numb I didn't bleed. Yay.

Chem test and econs essay tomorrow. Hooray.



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