And today is the day someone calls me a pimp. Go me. But seriously, there is no way I could be one. I can't sustain prolonged conversation with a single girl so there is no way on Earth, Heaven or Hell I could be a player. Here is his reasoning.
He's in class during lunch because it was bitchin' cold today. He looks out and sees me walking in one direction with a girl beside me. I WAS NOT AWARE OF HER PRESENCE! And if I was, I forgot about it in five minutes. Anyway, he later sees me walking in the opposite direction with another girl. I WAS NOT AWARE OF HER PRESENCE EITHER! Thanks to these two coincidences, I am now branded a pimp. Go me.
For those of you who believe him, you obviously dont know me very well.
In other news, playing mah-jongg has been proven to be able to cure Alzhiemers disease, among other things. More on that after I find a snowball in hell.
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