[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Monday, October 24, 2005

Don't ask

Spent whole English lesson reading. Not my fault. Teacher asked me to. More accurately, she asked the whole class. Had intro calc test. Couldn't do the last question. Now that I think about it, I could've. Damn. Oh well. Should have started my revision. I'll get to it in a couple of days. ^^ During econs, I started to draw a chibi on my econs notes. It was a random pic of a random guy. Then I drew another who kinda looked like Sephiroth, so I went ahead and doodled a chibi Cloud Strife. Don't ask why the sudden obsession with chibis. I don't know either. And as an end note, I'm not that good anyway.



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