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Your Prayers


Thursday, August 31, 2006


And today is the first day I wore makeup. It involved my friends, lipstick and alcohol. No, get your mind out of the gutter. Chemistry class, we were doing experiments on the reactivities of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols (at least that's our story) and possibly the collective fumes drove us all a little nuts, so someone took out lipstick and draw lines on people's cheeks a la red Indian warpaint. We wore it the entire day.

At the beginning of chemistry, two friends and I hid in the store cupboard to see if people would notice. No one did, so then we took a pebble (in the store cupboard. Wewt) and chucked it out. Loud bang and still no one comes, so then we give up and get out. This country amazes me.

Broke into English and Chem classes. Former to prove that they don't learn their lesson, latter because a friend was cold and wanted to get the hell out of the wind. One of these days I have got to get busted for this. Its not right.

Went to hospital today to visit father's friend's son. He seemed bright and cheery, so I didn't really pay attention. Instead, there was a girl in the bed next to his who was wheelchairbound and couldn't raise her voice. Freaky thing is, I prayed for her. Don't know why, just felt like it. I'm sure somewhere inside me one of the voices in my head knows why, but he's apparently taking a break, so meh. Well at least I know there is some little shred of humanity left.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Whee, today was a roller coaster. First, I'm all high because I finally manage to break into the English class. The windows and doors are usually locked so I've been trying for a while to catch the resident cher off guard. She forgot one window.

Anyway, law-breaking aside, I then entered the low point by recieving econs marks for the latest test. In a word, crap and in two words, mega crap.

Then the high point with a physics test mark. So so very sad.

My parents are giving me shit about my econs, telling me to study. I can't blame them, I am a lazy ass when it comes to that, but I just... don't care. Apart from that, my head feels so damn full I wish I could purge info, so nothing I read will get in right now. Dammit. I hate disappointing them, but I guess my life is a lesson in that. I never was exemplary

Monday, August 28, 2006


Mission status: Misinformation successfully planted. For those of you who don't get that, basically I've started lying again. To get the COPS off my case, I have invented a girlfriend. I hope it works. Since it's only one, I can fake as many personal particulars as I need. I'm gonna make this one so believable that I start to fall for it.

Well, I started off with a mean comment today. I arrive early and all's quiet, despite the ten or so kids around. A pair of blonde twins arrive and the decibel change is audible. And they're twins, so they have the same voice. Anyway, my line was something like this:

"Dammit, they're like a pair of stereo speakers except they're out of synch. Its like I'm listening to different parts of the same soap opera at the same time."

Yeah. Then I take a walk, come back and they're still talking. I say to my friend:

"We should call the IT guy."
"To fix the speakers."
He laughs and says "No IT guy can fix those."

I spend all of Applic trying to work out a challenge my friend set me, only to have the teacher declare that its impossible. Yay.

I had someone ask me how many times a day I masturbate. That's new. What's not new is the answer I gave, which was silence.

Yesterday's quote: My charisma and luck levels are somewhere with my estrogen.

Friday, August 25, 2006

whee, random blood

I'm ashamed of myself. I resorted to violence to solve my problems. Yes, this coming from the guy who breaks into class. And yeah, the violence in question was some hand-on-the-back-of-your-head-to-quasi-strangle-you kind of thing, but still.

Had some intelligent discourse over lunch for a change. Mostly about human nature, of the need to label and exclude and the resorting to violence despite knowing better. It got no where, but it was still enjoyable.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Whee. Today was funky. Free dress, so I came dressed as some DVD pirate. I even brought a stick. I was told by a teacher that if I could do a series of contortionist acts involving it, he wouldn't confiscate it. I managed. The rest of lunch was spent loaning out the stick and letting others try. I am one of four who can. The teacher in question is one of the four.

Broke into chem again. Whee.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bad boys bad boys, whatcha gonna do...

I am here to announce the formation of a new cult. This comprises a short list of people in school who either fervently believe I like someone, fervently believe that someone likes me or are fervently trying to hook me up with someone. From here on, these sad, sad people with no apparent lives of their own will be refered to as the Cultists Of PairingS, or just COPS for short.

Anyway, I was doing the usual walking around campus during lunch because, let's face it, lunch gets boring once hte titular meal has been eaten and there's no free access piano to keep me occupied. Anyway, walking around and I get trapped by the COPS. I try to quickly answer whatever they want to say and then walk the hell away while their senses are down, but today they are keener than usual in getting their dirty cultists hooks into me. I tried to run at least 5 times, but they kept calling me back, and honestly, you don't run from the cult or they will find you..... Anyway, trapped in conversation. It was then that I got to appreciate firsthand the true power (pronounced: idiocy) of the COPS. These people have an endless supply of personal questions and lack the basic courtesy to not ask them. It is best summed up by the cultists own words.

Cultist: "Do you have any questions for me?"
Me: "No."
Cultist: "Ok, then I'll keep asking you questions."

Fear the boredom. Anyway, they attempt to pair me with at least 5 girls and 1 guy throughout, with my side of the conversation mostly limited to "No." As said before, I tried to escape, but really, there is no escape. I try and give them a subtle "I will kill you painfully" smile, which I'm pretty good at, but apparently the culture here is so full of falsehood that they can't see a smile beyond the lower half of the mouth. Completely missed the Eyeful of a House of Flying Daggers.

Please don't sue.

Halfway between, a classmate of mine walks past. I ask her to save me. She says I look like I'm enjoying myself. Given the amount of crap I give her during class, I kinda figured she'd say that. We have a sad sort of friendship based on respect and mutual insults. Anyway, the COPS then think that I'm going out with her. Kill me now.

Incidentally, when I later told her of the harrowing experience, she said more or less the same thing.

Anyway, after a while I leave my body behind and start visiting places in my head, seeing as the COPS interrogation is pretty monotonous, but then they do something which rips me right back to reality. They pulled in another Chinese girl into the questioning, introduce the two of us and then say "You two should go out." The poor dear's eyes then start to resemble those of a poor deer's as it stares at an oncoming car's headlights. I just sadly say "This is as freaky for me as it is for you." However, she's Chinese unlike the cultists, so from then on I answer their questions with insults which only she can understand. Just to break the air of oOber awkward that had befallen.

I eventually make a dash for it when they leave to look for the first girl they paired me with. Back into the Chem lab. A couple of the guys were busy redecorating, and by redecorating I mean taking the desks, leaving the chairs and shipping them to the far sides of the classroom. We even put one on the teachers table, shoved all his stuff on top of it, put another behind it and put his chair on it, just so he could have an elevated workspace. Then we hid in cupboards until the bell rang. He didn't kill us, so yay.

Quote of the day wasn't made by me, but by a study hall reject in chemistry. Cher asks her to get out because she's disturbing the class. She retorts with a "Your class is already disturbed." Kudos.

Monday, August 21, 2006


Had econs test. Didn't study for it. Had to lie my way through, as I usually do. Unusual is the fact that I didn't study. For econs I do a little. Oh well. I'm not on an A anyway.

Applic test back. The one we were all complaining about. I topped the class. Someone told me that next time I say I'm gonna fail I should follow it through.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Being me

Ok, don't feel like going into detail. Suffice to say I've made a decision about how I'm gonna live and I intend to follow it out. And darl, don't worry. I'm still me.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Whee, had a haircut today. After like 8 months. Fine, I had more than one cut. Truth be told, it was more like a slaughter. Looking at the floor, seeing what was once mine, its like surveying a battlefield after the dust settles. They're all dead!!! But fine, enough of my Braveheart metaphors. I've never even seent that movie.

Did calc during lunch. Found a formula and tried to check it using non-cheem algebra. It didn't work and I spent all lunch agonising over it before I finally realised that my calc was perfectly correct and that it was the algebra I screwed up. I didn't factorise properly. Go me. Get the hard shit right and screw up everything else.

If that's how its gonna go then I pray to God its hard to get a wife.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Whee. Today I broke into the chemistry lab. Then I hid under the sink. Class started and fifteen minutes in, no one notices I'm not there. Yeah.

Oh yeah, they finally figured out I was lying about the three wives. Shucks, I never had the chance to use the names I picked for them. Oh well. Incidntally, I told one of them I was lying. That's how they found out. And they -still- felt the need to double-check. Go figure.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Went to church today. For the first time in a long time. Yay.

Pastor asked who was happy and excited to be in church that day. I could not honestly raise my hand, so I didn't. Not sure what that means. Maybe I'm like the lukewarm church. That isn't good. I guess I should be happy I was honest, but what's there really to be happy about? Everyone else raised their hands.

Overate, just like last night. Whee.

Yeah, angst is a bitch, but im thinking of having her spayed so she doesn't act up that much. Agree?

Friday, August 11, 2006


I was rude today. I know that I am everyday, but meh, I'm the one writing this, so shut up.

Econs cher walks into class and says that he's been working non-stop so his brain and his mouth may not be in synch that day. That's fine, understandable. Anyway, knocks on the door, two blondes pop their heads in and ask for him. At that point, the guy next to me says "Look, it's Dumb and Dumber." We all burst out laughing because, let's face it, we were all thinking the same thing. Anyway, after that, he walks back saying now we know why he's overworked, with people popping in and interrupting his class looking for him. I say "Yeah, and the exposure." Once again the class erupts in laughter, but the cher, having not heard the guy next to me, doesn't get it. Oh well. I suppose he doesn't need to.

Brought my puppy to school again. And a little teddy bear. Regressiveness. Soft Toy Week is now over. I'll have to think of something secondchildhoodish to do for the next.

Speaking of which, a girl tried to mug me for my bear ALL DAY LONG. Yeah, it was pretty fun. She was a whiner though.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Brought a box of Pooh bears to school. Because I could.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Making fun of bitches is fun

National day. Whee. Had weird dinner thing and totally stuffed my face. Woke up and sang the anthem while throwing on my uniform. Yeah, good times.

Brought a soft toy puppy to school today. Not just any puppy, my puppy. The one I got when I was first born. It's old and slightly dirty, but what the hell, I still love it.

A bunch of other brought their stuffed animals as well. Why? Because we can.

Now, you all know about that girl in chem class we all make fun of. Well, there hasn't been much going on, since she decided to no longer hang out in there (no prize for guessing why), but today, I had a chance to belittle her.

Here's the story: she finds out my age, 3 years below her and yet in the same grade. Royally sucks to be her. Anyway, she asks how many teachers I had to sleep with to get bumped up that far. Now you know why we make fun of her. Yes, because she is a bitch. Anyway, I smile and say "None, unlike you." She isn't even fazed by that, such is the extent of her ditziness, and instead goes on to say that she isn't the one who got pushed up, to which I reply "I know. You had to do it to stay where you are." She started beating me up then, but I didn't care. I'm so bony that whenever someone hits me, they usually hurt their hands. Sucks to be her, the whore.

Yes, I am an evil git, but what the hell, she's a total bitch and she deserves it.

Everyone I told that story to highfived me, with praises like "Good call." and "Nice one." I don't even care anymore that they shouldn't be promoting this, it was fun and I hadn't had opportunity for a while.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Whee. Years 11 and 12 had to come to school while the kids didn't. They were probably laughing their asses off all the while.

Got a crap mark in chem test. Well, crap by my standards. Carelessness is a bitch, and whence she strikes, none can say. Flypaper doesn't seem to work with her, she's like some kind of mindless killing machine who never sleeps because she runs on sugar and crack.

... But enough of my rambling. Classes were sort of fun, especially calc. half the class didn't show up for three quarters of it. Yeah, there are only four people in total, but what the hell, the percentage sounds cooler.

Heard an idiotic story today. A guy laminated a paper clip, then in the dead of night went up to his fast asleep brother, pulled down his pants, took a rubber band and BLASTED HIS BROTHER IN THE NUTS!!!!!




Anyway, it went with such force that he had to have it, and the rest of his balls, surgically removed. Yeah. I'm just gonna leave it there.

Watching "Bowling For Columbine". In my opinion, the best documentary ever. Well, it would be if they have a snippet from Chris Rock in it. Here's the snippet, slightly paraphrased, all credit to the man himself.

"We don't need no gun control, what we need is bullet control. We need to make each bullet cost $5000. Tell ya what that'd do, there'd be no more innocent bystanders. If a guy turns up dead you'll know they meant to hit him. Wanna know why? Cuz they went and put $50000 worth of bullets in his head. It'd be like 'I'm gonna blow your fuckin' head off... if I could afford it. Gonna take a mortgage on the car, get my second job, save a bit of money AND THEN YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!!!'"

Yeah, funny stuff.

Doing something stupid tomorrow. More on that after its happened.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Well. Most fun I've had for a long time. Here's the situation, I sit right where I always do during lunch when two girls and a guy come over. I figure, what the hell, won't be rude this time. So we start talking. Then, the conversation goes weird. Below is a paraphrased version because I was laughing inwardly so much that I can't remember. Yeah, and only one girl was doing the talking.

G: "So, do they have arranged marriages where you come from?"
Me: "Yeah."
G: "Oh, are you promised to anyone?"
Me: "Not anymore. I have 3 wives."
G: "Really? How old are they?"
Me: "N, N+1 and N+2." (No, I did not say that. I'm hiding my numbers, don't ask why.)
G: "What? How old are you?"
Me: "N+2"
G: "Oh... That's ok then."

Yeah... I think she believes me. I also told her I have a twin sister. I should probably clear this up, but I also want to ride this bull as far as it goes. I'm a bad person.

Also, I was walking down the corridor, a Year 8 sees me and his eyes grow big and he keeps a 1 meter radius between the two of us as he circles around. Behold the powers of Darkness. I have instilled fear in the minds of my enemies and it is GLORIOUS!!!


Yeah, my mom wants me to clear up the bullshit, but I don't want to. >< What to do?



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