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Your Prayers


Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Roar. At about 7 30 the Great Hailstorm called. I was to be a runner for for her dinner. So, dragged along the cute girl I always hang out with and off to the province of clogged arteries, McDonalds we go. Ran in the rain and came back well after study time started. Would have jumped the fence but somebody came over with the cardkey at the last minute. Whee.

Yup. Hostel life isn't bad. Would never have gotten to do crazy stuff like this if I was at home.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Girls hate me. It's a gross generalisation but I'm going to state it anyway, because I can.

Here's some proof. Bio lesson, we had to draw our blood for examination under microscope. I was the sacrificial lamb of our group (don't tell me you didn't see that coming), so after the lamest of all pinpricks, my blood was on display.

Incidentally, i have an abnormally high white blood cell count.

Anyway, one group was full of girls. Not the cool type of girl either, these were the kind of girls which keep sexist stereotypes alive and kicking. So the teacher calls me over to give THEM my blood. Yeah, I love this job.

Bio cher: "Ok, now you all owe him a treat"
Girl: "No."
Cue, other girls start laughing.

Now, let me clarify something here. The reaction time between the bio cher's sentence and her vehement exclamation was nonexistant. In fact, there was negative reaction time, despite what physics teachers keep saying about there being no negative time. Before Bio finished his sentence, she had pre-empted it and started yelling.

Finally discovered the way to church. Amen. After getting lost in Bukit Merah for two weeks straight, I finally know the way.

Rushing math files last minute is lose.

Just to further show how amazingly kickass my lovelife is:

Friend 1: "Apart from the 15 suitors after him, he's free"
Friend 2: "15? Try -15."
Friend 2's girlfriend: "He's after 15 girls?"
Friend 2: "No, 15 girls want to kill him."

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Feeling evil

Well, because some idiot hasn't taken the chem test yet we arent allowed to receive it. DAMMIT I'M BEING HIT BY POST-TEST STRESS!!!

Quotes of the day: (After listening to what a teacher said) My bullshit meter is going off the charts. And it's affecting my Gaydar. That's why I couldn't sense him coming.

Yeah. I know what's causing the bad feng shui. She's over there.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Totally freaking batshit high

Ok. Major recall mode ON!

First off, Valentine's Day. I usually bitch about it because I absolutely detest the sordid amount of commercialisation that surrounds the holiday that is supposedly dedicated to love, but this year I decided to do something special, since I'm back in school and all. Preparations took 2 whole weeks, and everything was executed largely perfectly; only two gifts had to be sent via proxy. The gifts in question were 25 paper roses, 1 paper yoda, 8 cards and 2 bouquets; half dozen and full dozen, all self made. Yes, I really went all out this year. And no, this is not a conflict of interest because I made the stuff myself, so I haven't whored myself out to the arrogant consumerist spirit.

USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!


Incidentally, the recipients were 8 girls and 2 guys. No, I'm not experimenting.

Friday: Chinese New Year celebrations. That means half day of non-school. We get to wear what the teachers call "ethnic costumes" and what we call "whatever the hell we feel like wearing." I came in full black, looking like some kind of dua pai gia. Good stuff! Some teachers took offence, but beyond the "Why are you wearing black?" they really couldn't be arsed flaming my arse. Seriously, if the DM doesn't care, why should anyone else? By the way, my response? "Black is auspicious."

Speaking of the DM, he brought a yoyo and was showing off. Actually pretty damn good at it, he is. We all gathered around him in a large crowd, and I couldn't resist the urge and threw him a bunch of coins. Fun.

Went to friends house and am now totaly freaking batshit high from pure laughter. Celebrated friend's birthday, since he's going to be in KL on the actual day. Gave him a Death Note and a little plushie Shinigami Ryuk-sama. Hawtness. More freaky shit involving my friends hijacking my msn. Mean as it was (and trust me, it was pretty damn mean) I couldn't help but laugh.

Whee, leaving now before I start bouncing off walls.



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