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Your Prayers


Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Lately, coming out of English class, I've been feeling utterly fed up with the world. Must be because we're doing 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Great book but the racism in it just pisses me off. Today we watched a snippet of a film documenting what lynch mobs did to those people. Once again, pissed off. If I had $10 for every time I wanted to shout out 'FUCK!' during that I could buy a plane ticket back home. Its bloody sickening. Worst part is it was devoid of all reason. It wasn't a study of human prejudice. It was a study of animalistic behaviour. If this is the way humans act, then sure as God lives I don't want to be human. The shame of association is enough to drive me to insanity. I thank God I'm not white, otherwise I would be under a majur guilt attack for my waking hours. Unecessary guilt, true, but its gonna be there nevertheless. I;m not saying white people are bastards, I'm saying racist people are bastards.



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