Had Beliefs and Values today. Was crap as usual. Something is definitely not right. Let me put it this way. I start out with Intro Calc. Heavy math. I speed through it like a greyhound on steriods. My mind still is active. It screms 'Give me more!' Then I go for recess. By the way, I spent it praying. So I go for recess and my mind is even more in condition for work. My thinking and rationalizing skills are still at normal levels. Then I walk into the Beliefs and Values class and, I shit you not, my mind shuts down.
I'm not talking about the kind of thing where you're worked and you can't handle the stress. If anything, I was underworked. This shutdown was like certain areas of my brain lost function. I could read, I could listen, but I sure as hell could not understand or think. My cognitive skills had left the room leaving no forwarding address. Weirdest thing is, when it ended and I stepped into the G&T class, more heavy math, my brain had used its awesome ninja skills to burrow back in my skull. I could do it. Dayum this is weird.
In other news, I completed FFX2. The reason for my replaying it is that I wanted 100% completion. Obviously I screwed up cuz when I finished it, I had 99%. Dayum. 60 hours and I failed my objective. Argh.
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