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Your Prayers


Saturday, August 06, 2005


Did that today and as a result I was out of the house for the ENTIRE day and couldn't do my homework. Yay? Anyway. I managed to catch ONE lousy fish. It was a flathead, whatever that is. Meh. Seeing as most of the day was spent in the car driving to the spot, thats about it.

Oh yeah. Outside a petrol kiosk along the way there is this weird thing which my family have dubbed "The Teddy Bear Tree" The reason is simple. It's a tree(wow I NEVER would have figured THAT out) with a myriad teddy bears hanging from it. And I mean HANGING. Some of them are broken with the stuffing hanging out and they are all dirty. It's the kind of thing that, had the Adam's Family known about it, they would uproot the tree right now and have it replanted in their backyard. It's THAT MACABRE. Damn I think it's gonna give me nightmares. Especially since we crossed it at night. Scarier than "The Ring" Meh.



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