Today was weird. It passed by so fast I didn't realize. Spent recess reading Bible. Spent lunch praying. People still think I'm weird. Wish they would mind their own business. =P While I was praying it started to drizzle lightly. And I mean lightly. It was so faint I didn't notice it. Then some girls came over with an umbrella for me and asked if I wanted it. Generally, my rule is that if I cannot be soaked in thirty seconds, I don't need an umbrella. Maybe that comes from living in Singapore all my life. That would also explain why those girls could not understand that the drizzle was, to me, NOTHING. Seriously. Wish people would mind their own business and not overeact. I don't not like it that they care, I don't like it that they care when its not necessary. I play golf during rain, why would this stop me?
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