[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Free dress.

Was free dress day in school today. That means I can show up in whatever the hell I feel like wearing. For a price. $1 for clothes and $2 for jewelery. Had my ring and pendants but I hid them so I only paid $1. Wore black shirt, white jacket, jeans. If I had a dollar from every kid who came to school in jeans I would be rich.

A kid came in a clown suit. No kid. Another one came with a santa hat, two ties and a big black towel draped over himself. I wanted to come in my pajamas but I didn't know if it was considered 'acceptable'. Turns out it isn't. Asked the guys at school about it and the went off into a story about a guy who did that and got expeled or something like that. Meh.



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