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Your Prayers


Monday, August 28, 2006


Mission status: Misinformation successfully planted. For those of you who don't get that, basically I've started lying again. To get the COPS off my case, I have invented a girlfriend. I hope it works. Since it's only one, I can fake as many personal particulars as I need. I'm gonna make this one so believable that I start to fall for it.

Well, I started off with a mean comment today. I arrive early and all's quiet, despite the ten or so kids around. A pair of blonde twins arrive and the decibel change is audible. And they're twins, so they have the same voice. Anyway, my line was something like this:

"Dammit, they're like a pair of stereo speakers except they're out of synch. Its like I'm listening to different parts of the same soap opera at the same time."

Yeah. Then I take a walk, come back and they're still talking. I say to my friend:

"We should call the IT guy."
"To fix the speakers."
He laughs and says "No IT guy can fix those."

I spend all of Applic trying to work out a challenge my friend set me, only to have the teacher declare that its impossible. Yay.

I had someone ask me how many times a day I masturbate. That's new. What's not new is the answer I gave, which was silence.

Yesterday's quote: My charisma and luck levels are somewhere with my estrogen.



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