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Your Prayers


Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Whee, today was a roller coaster. First, I'm all high because I finally manage to break into the English class. The windows and doors are usually locked so I've been trying for a while to catch the resident cher off guard. She forgot one window.

Anyway, law-breaking aside, I then entered the low point by recieving econs marks for the latest test. In a word, crap and in two words, mega crap.

Then the high point with a physics test mark. So so very sad.

My parents are giving me shit about my econs, telling me to study. I can't blame them, I am a lazy ass when it comes to that, but I just... don't care. Apart from that, my head feels so damn full I wish I could purge info, so nothing I read will get in right now. Dammit. I hate disappointing them, but I guess my life is a lesson in that. I never was exemplary



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