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Your Prayers


Thursday, August 03, 2006


Well. Most fun I've had for a long time. Here's the situation, I sit right where I always do during lunch when two girls and a guy come over. I figure, what the hell, won't be rude this time. So we start talking. Then, the conversation goes weird. Below is a paraphrased version because I was laughing inwardly so much that I can't remember. Yeah, and only one girl was doing the talking.

G: "So, do they have arranged marriages where you come from?"
Me: "Yeah."
G: "Oh, are you promised to anyone?"
Me: "Not anymore. I have 3 wives."
G: "Really? How old are they?"
Me: "N, N+1 and N+2." (No, I did not say that. I'm hiding my numbers, don't ask why.)
G: "What? How old are you?"
Me: "N+2"
G: "Oh... That's ok then."

Yeah... I think she believes me. I also told her I have a twin sister. I should probably clear this up, but I also want to ride this bull as far as it goes. I'm a bad person.

Also, I was walking down the corridor, a Year 8 sees me and his eyes grow big and he keeps a 1 meter radius between the two of us as he circles around. Behold the powers of Darkness. I have instilled fear in the minds of my enemies and it is GLORIOUS!!!


Yeah, my mom wants me to clear up the bullshit, but I don't want to. >< What to do?



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