Slept through most of the day. Yay. Played badminton in the evening. Fun. School tomorrow. Meh.

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Your Prayers
Slept through most of the day. Yay. Played badminton in the evening. Fun. School tomorrow. Meh.
For some strange reason, I was freezing today and yet the rest of my family seem not to feel a thing. I'm still wondering how it's possible for the sun to be hot enough to fry my ass over several times and its STILL like a damn ice chamber. Maybe all the heat goes into keeping up the craptastic humidity levels. That's still not a good thing though. Meh.
My head was a total blur today and thus I have no idea what may or may not have transipired. This may sound like a lame excuse not to write an entry, but those of you who know me will know that I'm not kidding when I say that I was like a walking crackman.
Had to stay at home again. Now I have chest pains every time I cough, which happens roughly twelve times a lousy minute. Water is not helping me and I now have to get my assignments done. My life sucks...... unless I wake up coughing blood I am definitely going to school tomorrow. Even though I havent done most of the homework. Though when you think about it, when I'm suffering a mild asthma attack every five seconds its kinda hard to concentrate on work. Don't think the teacher is gonna cut me any slack though. Damn......
Had to miss school today cuz my bro and I are sick. My mom too come to that. Cold weather here is still pissing me off and is doing absolutelt nothing to help. How is it that in a country where the sun shows itself so damn much and there is a big gaping hole in the ozone layer right above, it still manages to be colder than the waiting room of a Singaporean clinic. Does that make ANY sense to ANYONE? Might have to miss school tomorrow as well if this shit keeps up. Damn sickness.
School was terrible today. I am STILL sick and it's cold over there. There are few things I hate more than being cold when I'm sick. Felt so bad. Like I was stoned, drunk, hungover and high at the same time. My head felt like a lousy rock and my hands were in a state of permafrost. Ouch. One good thing though, I can finally get some work done on my Econs project.
STILL slightly sick. Should be okay by tomorrow though, then I can finally finish up the work i was about to do over the weekend. Damn my sickness. Damn my weak, fallible human self. Meh.
Still slightly sick. Another night of potential work gone. Not good. If only it was something other than a headache but nooooooooo. Also the sore throat and fever aren't helping me.
The day I plan to resume all projects and I fall sick. Meh. I feel so bad typing is really the most I can do on the com. Anymore mental work and I will short circuit. Hoping I get healed real soon cuz the econs thing is due next thursday.
Didn't blog yesterday cuz i was working on a project. Meh. Should be working now but I'm taking a break. I really shouldn't be doing so, but I don't really care right now. Of all my sins, I'd have to say sloth is the worst, hands down.
Went to Youth Group. Had an ex-gay speaker. Best speaker I've had ever. He was funny. And his message was powerful. Somehow it just seems that gays are the most interesting. Bah, school started, my results are:
Played a lot today. Got five new scores yesterday that I wanted to try out. They were:
Did that a lot today. Thought of how the world will end mostly. I am willing to bet everything I hold dear that it WILL end within this century. Everything. My reason is mostly my religion, but also a weird feeling I have been having since young. Somehow, I've always known. Anyway, here is the evidence:
My life has settled back into its usual routine. Sad. I now think of my friends even more. Thinking of things I should and shouldn't have done. Things I should and shouldn't have said. Wondering what life would be like if I were still there. Wondering how they would have grown when I come back. Gosh I sound like an old man.
Some things I forgot to mention about the trip. Aboriginals stink to high heaven. I'm not saying that to be mean or rascist, I am stating a fact. And I don't mean all of them. I mean the few who stay out in the outback. Yes I know it is to be expected, living in the rural areas with no water, but it is seriously bad. Imagine a guy who doesn't bathe. Now imagine that his sweat doesn't evaporate either and instead clings to his skin. Now imagine that he is 90 years old. THAT'S how bad it is.
My trip was ok. Could have been better, but lately my standards have been lowered. Must be because of coming here. Bah, anyway, here's a rundown of the highlights of the different days.
Gonna be at Uluru for the next five days. How fun. In all likelihood, I shall not be online at all during this time. As for today, see below.
See below. Ok fine something did happen. It got colder. I thinking three degrees celsius, no exaggeration.
Went to church, came back, played on the PS2. That sums up my life for today. Exciting isn't it?
Was out all day. Went to a barbecue and an orange plantation. Had an ok time, but it was seriously tiring being in the sun all day long. Accidentally strayed into the ladies toilet in my dazed state of mind. ^^ I've discovered that it is impossible for me to frown if the person talking to me as a big grin on his or her face. Weirdness. Lately I've been thinking more of the people back home, especially of a certain individual. Let the speculation begin, I'm not saying anything.
Had my Physics exam today. Another painful one. It was the last one though, so that's a good thing. Still, I've got this massive Econs project to do over the hols. Bah, it can wait till next week. All I've got to do is surf the web big time and find some annual report type things on some company and then make up my own report. I also have some funny English thing but if I continue my bullshit approach, it could be done in an hour tops. Apart from those two things to keep me company, the hols are going to be boring as all hell. Still, not complaining. I'm finally gonna have time to write up my story and print out my music scores. For those of you reading this and didn't know I was writing a story, go to and yes, that IS a capital "P". I know the story is not that good. It's just something I do in my spare time. Comments are welcome, but if your just gona swear about how much it sucks, wait till I get back. It would be nice to hear some people swearing again.