[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Friday, July 01, 2005


Had my Physics exam today. Another painful one. It was the last one though, so that's a good thing. Still, I've got this massive Econs project to do over the hols. Bah, it can wait till next week. All I've got to do is surf the web big time and find some annual report type things on some company and then make up my own report. I also have some funny English thing but if I continue my bullshit approach, it could be done in an hour tops. Apart from those two things to keep me company, the hols are going to be boring as all hell. Still, not complaining. I'm finally gonna have time to write up my story and print out my music scores. For those of you reading this and didn't know I was writing a story, go to www.winglin.net/fanfic/Piano_man and yes, that IS a capital "P". I know the story is not that good. It's just something I do in my spare time. Comments are welcome, but if your just gona swear about how much it sucks, wait till I get back. It would be nice to hear some people swearing again.



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