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Your Prayers


Sunday, July 17, 2005


Did that a lot today. Thought of how the world will end mostly. I am willing to bet everything I hold dear that it WILL end within this century. Everything. My reason is mostly my religion, but also a weird feeling I have been having since young. Somehow, I've always known. Anyway, here is the evidence:
1. In the Bible, somewhere, I forgot where exactly, God said the world will end in 2 days time. Of course, in 2 days it did not. Why? Simple. God was referring to his timeframe. So, how long exactly is a heavenly day?
2. Answer: 1000 years. Also somewhere in the Bible. That would explain why there were a lot of people afraid that the world will end in the year 2000. 2 days lasting 1000 years each of course equals 2000 years. Why then did it not end in the year 2000?
3. Simple. They forgot to add. When God said that, it was definetely past the year 0. In fact, since Jesus was born in the year 7 B.C. and lived to be 33, it would have been past the year 26 A.D. as it was siad after He died. So will the year end sometime around the year 2026?
4. Answer: Who knows? I don't know exactly when God said that, and even if I did, I wouldn't be sure because of another little phrase. God said that if things on Earth get out of hand, he would shorten the time before the end. This coincides with what is said in Revelations. That no one save God himself knows the exact time of Judgement. If it so amazingly open-ended like that, how are we supposed to know? However, he did not say that if things get better he would lengthen the days, so I would be pretty sure that the End will come soon and that I may even get front row seats to see it. Unless I get run over by a car or something like that.
Why did I type all this down? Not to offend anyone if a different religion who might be reading this. It just gave me something to think about. And when I think, I go on and on until I'm sure I've gotten everything. Kudos to my friend for bringing this to mind. Anyway, If you DO feel offended, I remain unapologetic as that was not my intention at all and if you are, the problem must be on your end. I am not going to divuge my email just for you all to have an outlet for flame so too bad. I wrote this because it's what I have been thinking about today.

My dad left for Brisbane today. He will be back in a week. Joy.

School is about to start. On tuesday to be exact. More Joy.

In the life of a single child, all joy, hope, love, peace, all such things personified. The joy of living the moment, the hope of the future, the love of an innocent, the peace of the guiltless. Why then does the world seem so different? Why then does everything seem to be the antitype thereof? If we all learn to embrace the child within us, to revert and remember, not to something lesser, but to something far greater, would then the world be Perfect?
~Darryl Foo~



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