Went to Curtin University today. Had 5 English lectures. Fun.
Incidentally, my mom is thinking of sending me to Uni instead of going back to school. Thoughts?

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Your Prayers
Went to Curtin University today. Had 5 English lectures. Fun.
Well, if I'm ever asked for a worst day of my life, this would be it. Well, at the very least, it was unlucky. First, I'm late for school by one stinking minute. Then, during chem, I mess up the prac. React potassium permanganate with acidified oxalic acid. Supposed to heat oxalic acid before reacting, didn't do that. Went to heat it. Decided to be clever and acidify the acid (oO) before heating, so dumped in sulphuric acid. Got it up to temperature then realised I couldn't get a 20ml aliquot of oxalic acid if its already bloody mixed!!!! So scrapped that batch, made somemore. Used dirty shovel thingy and got a mixture of permanganate AND oxalate crystals. Redo. Weighed out the acid, added water, transferred to volumetric flask and then added too much water. Fun.
Went to play badminton. Got my brother's racket stuck under a pile of chairs. Tried to reach with my arm and couldn't, tried with a racket and couldn't, so while all the other kids are pointing and laughing, I went to the storeroom, found some metal hangers, straightened them out and used them to chopstick the racket back out. It worked. Whee.
Had relief teacher for English. He set off a whoopee cushion every five minutes. That's all.
Ok, finally have all my results back. Since no one looks at this page, I can post it here and no one can accuse me of being stuck-up. Here they are in real terms and then with percentages, with commentary.
Went out shopping, saw at least ten goths. One had an Elmo bag. Not cool. SO not cool.
Ok, can't believe I forgot this, but yesterday I saw three Aussies in cosplay. One I assume was trying to be Selphie, one was summoner Yuna and the last was gunner Yuna. Now, personally, I've always liked Square's costumes. Original, all pretty damn stylish and all look good on the person wearing it, like how Tidus' outfit just seems to suit him and Sora's final form looks totally kickass, as it should. The problem is, these outfits, while looking totally sweet on the individual, just don't have the same oomph when worn by someone else. Try putting Yuna in Lulu's dress and you'll see how it doesn't quite fit, or Cloud in Squall's outift. It works, but barely, and the hair colour clashes. Same deal with these Aussies. Now, out with it, Yuna is cute. This girl wasn't. Short version, she was fat, long version, she was hell fat. Yuna's outfit doesn't work on a fat girl. Short pants don't work on a fat girl. That is an ass we all don't want to even catch the slightest glimmer of. Yeah, I know it's mean, but hell it's the truth; FAT GIRLS DON'T WEAR SHORT SKIRTS/PANTS!!! And when they're cosplaying video game characters, who are all notorious for having perfect bodies, it's just not done. Travesty. Am I ranting just cause my little fantasy bubble got popped? Maybe, but my story is that it's because it's a crime against fashion. A DAMNED CRIME!!!
And today was funkiness. Went to friend's birthday party. Food was good. Was hugged by three girls, two half my age, one was the birthday girl. Don't get any ideas, Nick.
Funny day. The saga of the email finally ended, but I forgot to save it. Person is not going to bug me anymore, thank god. Then again, I'm a bit miffed it ended so soon.