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Your Prayers


Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Well, if I'm ever asked for a worst day of my life, this would be it. Well, at the very least, it was unlucky. First, I'm late for school by one stinking minute. Then, during chem, I mess up the prac. React potassium permanganate with acidified oxalic acid. Supposed to heat oxalic acid before reacting, didn't do that. Went to heat it. Decided to be clever and acidify the acid (oO) before heating, so dumped in sulphuric acid. Got it up to temperature then realised I couldn't get a 20ml aliquot of oxalic acid if its already bloody mixed!!!! So scrapped that batch, made somemore. Used dirty shovel thingy and got a mixture of permanganate AND oxalate crystals. Redo. Weighed out the acid, added water, transferred to volumetric flask and then added too much water. Fun.

Then came recess. Sat down to meditate a bit. Had a legitimate question on my mind; what is the true nature of Love? Yeah, the Bible, the concordance, the dictionary and the thesaurus could have told me, but I wanted to make up my own shit. Anyway, there I am minding my own damn business when a group of year 8 boys (AKA bastards) gang ambush me. They are impressed with my lotus position. They attempt to do it. They fail. Noisily. They start calling me, of all stupid things, 'master', saying I'm teaching them to meditate. Yeah, it might have worked for Sun Wukong, but get the hell out of my face. Told them to get lost several times. Even after the bell rang they insisted on being assholes. Had to dash into my class to escape the little punks.

Calculus. Lost a mark in my test because I failed to simplify 3x4=12. Of all the stupid things. Dammit.

Lunch. Went to meditate some more. No I never learn. Was once again minding my own business when a group of girls come over and, I shit you not, POKE ME IN THE HEAD! Seriously, what the hell? Let sleeping dogs lie, ever heard of that? Meh. Was forced to converse with them. Yeah, they don't know that 'Nature' refers to more than the environment. Imagine how much fun a conversation with them would be.

It rained. I had PE. The two did not coincide. Dammit.

Yeah, I had fun.



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