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Your Prayers


Sunday, March 12, 2006


Parents drove me around to beach type thing. You know all those generalisations about beach bums and crackheads? They're true. One of them winked at my mom. I would've killed him if I had a weapon. Another guy stopped right in the middle of the public road to take a fuggin' piss. Honestly, what the fuck? Just cuz your face is as ugly as a dog's doesn't mean you have to act like one. Actually, screw that, I love dogs. Don't insult them. Also, I know they behave better than that.

Ok, here's something that isn't good. Heard in the news that 3 kids aged 8,9 and 10 died and all I could say was 'Meh'. Shit, this isn't good. I'm as shocked about my apparent apathy as you all probably are. Damn, either this country is getting to me or I am, and this is even scarier, growing up!!! The demon of apathy consumeth!

Quote from two days ago.
Brother: Ok... how many people is this meal supposed to serve?
Dad: 2
Me: Yeah, 2 Aussies. 4 Chinese. 6 Africans.

Yeah, its racist, but meh.


Then again, I was always a racist asshole.



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