[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Friday, September 30, 2005

Again? You betcha.

Same old, same old.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Deja vu

See below.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


See yesterday. I seriously need a life.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Played all day. I'm bored.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Played golf. Am as bad as ever. I suppose that's not a bad thing. At least I haven't slipped.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


How does it feel to worry all night about somone? Pretty damn depressing. I know cuz that's what I spent all night doing. A waste of life and time maybe, but its my life and time and if I want to spend it worrying about the people I care for, that's my prerogative. The heart is a fragile thing, and right now I feel like mine is about to shatter. Sorry to sound so emotional, but life just sucks when the ones you love seem to scorn you.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Went to Father's friend's birthday party. It was fun. Ate and played piano. Was reminded of how I used to play at NUSHS. Damn you nostalgia. While going home, a car full of drunk teens nearly swerved into my Dad's car and they zigzagged and sped. My dad stuck his head out, shouted and gave the finger. They did the same. Bloody idiots. And Aussies think that WE can't drive. Punk bastards.

Friday, September 23, 2005


School ends today. Meh. Gonna spend my time in front of the PS2.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


All tests for the term are over. Now I just have to do some menial tasks. B&V tomorrow, which means I'm gonna be pissed, but its the last day of term so yay.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Today I have to study for two tests in preperation for tomorrow. Econs and G&T. Yay. Gonna do Econs first as it is the one where I can't lie my way through. Then again G&T comes first thing. Bah. I cannot believe how children the world over get so worked up over a test. Oh well. I can't believe a lot of things about humans.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


48/50 for intro calc. 29/30 for Chem. Now I've got to read an entire friggin book. By tonight.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Burned out

Had intro calc test. VERY algebra heavy. Was completely burned out. Then came more with G&T. Hooray. My brain is down now. And I have a book to read for English. Meh I'll read it some other time.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


Yesterday I went to a BBQ. Got back past midnight. That's why I didn't blog. Went to parent's friend's house. Spent the time after dinner talking about food. More accurately, food such as pig's brain, pig's intestine porridge and fish sperm soup. I also found out that my Mom has eaten a good many things that I have not. I feel neglected. Wonder what fish sperm soup tastes like... If anybody out there gets a chance to eat some, da pao some for me please. Today was normal. Spent the entire day playing Star Ocean 3: Till Then End Of Time. It be good game.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Another rant.

All the people in my year on having some sort of river cruise. I'm not going for the simple reason that I don't want to. Beat that logic ^^ I mean seriously, people have been hounding me all bloody week to go. I don't want to, get over it. Its my choice and I am exercising the right to that choice, no matter how foolish that choice may be perceived to be. I'm not going to go just because you ask me too, neither if you say that I'll have fun. I have weighed the options in my mind and so do not need you to attempt to change my mind. Argh. Humans can be so irritating sometimes.

Some people didn't show up today, or some were here for half a day. The reason: "They had to prepare for the cruise." What. The. Crap. Let's look at this seriously now. School ends at 3 20. The cruise starts at 6 30. Let's assume, what, 40 mins to get to your house and back. This gives people a healthy 1 hour and 50 minutes to get ready. Maybe this is just me being a guy but surely that is enough time to get ready. I asked around and some girls state that it would take them three hours to prepare. How in the HELL could they conceivably take three hours? I would take three minutes. Follow the math here and guys take 6000% less time to prepare for a social event than girls. 6000%. Day-yam. Seriously, I am nothing short of baffled. Apart from the true nature of God Almighty, I do believe I've found the one thing that I will never be able to comprehend. Lord, I thank thee for making me born male.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Today was as normal. That is, boring.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Had an 'armed intruder drill' today. Like a fire drill, only it takes place to make sure we're not caught unaware if a crazyass with a gun comes into school and starts shooting people. No kid. Its damn sad that we have to do it. When it happened, teacher didn't tell us it was a drill. The rest of the kids obviously knew it. They we're doing the usual 'No teacher in class' crap. One does not make loud noises when an armed nutcase enters the school. Dayum.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Had chem test. Handed up early. Don't know why. Forgot to bring lunch. Had sport after that. Brain didn't get enough oxygen. Again. I will never learn.

Monday, September 12, 2005


Today, for the first time, I missed a detention appointment. Bad me. I now canNOT tell my kids with a straight face that their dad was a good boy. Anyway, I didn't do a two minute assignment and for that English teacher put me in the doghouse. I could have just shown up, done my two minutes and left but nooooo...... my short term memory had to come in and screw stuff up. Dammit. I've now done the assignment, but not showing up when she asked me to is gonna land me in some shit tomorrow. Gonna go to her office first thing and apologise. Big time. Damn my short term memory. Damn it I say.

And again I say DAMN!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005


Only one thing of note happened. I went to church. Whoop-de-doo. Anyway, this time the speaker was cool. British guy. Very funny. Message was good too. Yay. Again with the superfriendly pastor. I actually said 'Fuck' right in the middle of her sentence. Lord forgive me for I am a foolish and broken human.

Random fact. Over the course of your life, assuming no premature death by disease or cars or whatnot, you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


My dad went to canada today for work. He'll be back in ten days. Meh. Sadness. Was out of house all day. Spent most of the time in the car so nothing really happened. Or maybe something did and I was asleep at the time. Either way, I don't have much more to type about.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Had Intro Calc test. Didn't study. I paid the price. There was something I should have memorised which I didn't. Lost five marks thanks to that. Five out of twenty-seven. Still, I definitely got the rest. I used my calculator. ^^ Before you start pointing fingers, in this country, I'm ALLOWED. Wasted my weekly 80 minutes. Seems everyone feels that way. Unless they're teachers let them slack off on coms. Argh. Other than that, day was fine-ish.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Had rain and 40 kph winds today. Fun. Also had Econs essay and G%T test. think I did ok. I hope. Got Intro Calc test type thing tomorrow. Hopefully I'll do well then too. Yay.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Was my Dad's birthday today. Went out for teppan yaki. Best food I've had since coming here. Although, it did cause me temporary diarrhoea. Meh. It tasted good. School is as per normal. Have an Econs essay tomorrow. Cant find any info. Will have to beg schoolmates tomorrow. Come to think of it, I always do that. Had Physics test today. Tomorrow will have Econs essay and G&T test. Friday will have Intro Calc test. Fun.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Got hit and forced to land on my hands on a ROAD, got a cramp in the left leg, smashed the right leg into someone who was charging me with the ball and got my mouth whacked full force by a speeding ball. It was a fun game. Though now the blood vessels in my toes and thereabouts are completely destroyed because of me jumping all over the place. Still, it felt good. Who needs drugs when you got endorphins?

Today is the first day when a girl has said to me 'I want to have sex with you.' also the first day when a girl tried to take off my shirt. Don't ask people. I don't have answers. All I have is the VERY strong idea that she's on weed. Or something like that. No girl can like me. Its a fact of Nature. This is the truth. This is my belief. And guess what? Not just for now.

Monday, September 05, 2005


Had to give an oral presentation for English today. Was unprepared, or at least, teachers would not have called me prepared if they could have seen how many notes I had. Had to speak on a topic that I personally do not feel strongly for, but that's never stopped me. I can fake enthusiasm readily. Anyway, we had a choice to do it in pairs or solo. I paired up with the 'Josh' I mentioned earlier. When we stood up, some person asked 'Are you two together?' to which I answered 'Not in that way.' Whole class laughed. Teacher included. Gave the weirdest talk ever. Neither of us really prepared. Whole thing was ad libbed. we kinda got together during free time in a Chem lesson and got our vague main points. Then we forgot about it until today when we ad libbed it. No powerpoint, no actual notes and we got A's. Go us. I guess it kinda helped that I was cracking jokes half the time. Teacher's comments: I can see that you two have put time and effort into this and believe in what you were speaking in. o.O I should consider a career in acting.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Too much.

Ok, here comes another rant, so those of you who don't want to read, you have been warned.

Anyway, here goes. People here are friendly. You might be thinking 'What the...? That's a bad thing?' and I would actually agree with you. The thing is, friendliness is like antidepressants. Take some when its needed, it feels good, life goes on and you and the rest of the world are better off now that we don't have to deal with your stressed up self. Overdose and you get high and jumpy and piss off some people and, when the high stops, you end up hurting yourself. I'm one of those people who get pissed off when you're jumpy.

Thing is, people here all seem to be overdosing on the 'Friendly Pill'. Its like a friggin horde the way they all swarm to shake your hand just 'cuz you're the new guy. Just today in church, my hand was shaked by no less than three overlyfriendly guys. Now, those of you who know me should know that I can tahan most things. This just crosses the line. If you're trying to make friends with me you don't friggin shove a hand in front of me with a bananabig smile and expect me not to be SCARED SHITLESS. Maybe its just me with a shyness problem and these guys are ok, but that doesn't change the fact that I. Am. Friggin. Scared.

Here's the worst part. During church there is always two minutes during which we are supposed to greet each other. I'm usually ok during those times since I have time to brace myself. Its when its by surprise that I really detest the experience. Anyway, the pastor goes 'Please be superfriendly'. What. The. Crap. As if they aren't friendly enough. At that moment, my Dad and I had a short dialogue. Forgot the actual words but it was somewhere along the lines of 'SHIT!'.

Bottomline. I'm ok with being friendly. I'm ok if you want more friends. I'm ok if you're just trying to make some shallow social conversation. Just don't friggin be so damn friendly you end up scaring people.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Had my usual day. By that I mean boring. Made my Dad a card for father's day, hid it then played PS2. Did a variety of games. Not going to go into that though. Other than that, nothing happened. Wait, what am I saying? Nothing DID happen.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Its official. All Fridays henceforth, until I get my ass off this country, shall forever more suck, for reasons which are in the previous post. I'm not going to start ranting all over again as that will consume energy that I do not at this point in time have. Instead, I'm just going to write out some funny dialogue that occured today.
(During recess. Me walking with classmate(Josh). Pass by a girl I know)
Girl: Hi boyfriend.
Me & Josh: oO"
Me: You referring to me or Josh?
Girl: *Looks from me to Josh then turns back to me* You. All the way.
(During physics class. Somehow we started talking about Mandarin. Half-chinese walks up to me)
Guy: Hey, do you know how to say 'make out in chinese?
Me: oO' Ummm yes but im not telling you
G: Come on
M: *Writes in chinese in paper* There if you can read that you have your info
G: *walks to taiwanese girl's desk and shows paper*
Girl: HAHAHA...
Ok, I take it back. My life is not boring. Sometimes.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Had a physics test. Didn't have time for last question. Everybody, 1... 2... 3... DAMMIT!!! Apart from that today was usual. Got an essay to write for B&V tomorrow, so I suspect I will be thouroughly PISSED THE HELL OFF by the end of the day. If there is one thing I absofuckinglutely cannot stand, its when language, religion, BELIEFS AND VALUES and/or political preference is forced down your throat. The fact that the teacher is the most boring guy in the UNIVARSE does not help. Its not just students who shun him, its people who know him from church. Take these conversations as an example. Except for maybe some paraphrasing due to my lousy memory, these conversations are true.
(took place during recess before B&V)
Me: I HATE B&V!!!
Schoolmate: Why?
Me: It sucks.
SM: No its ok.
Me: o_O who's your teacher.
SM: (insert name here. I forgot who it was) why? Who's yours?
Me: Mr Yap
SM: o_O" O... K... I'm sorry for you.
(took place in mom's friends house. Her daughter goes to/used to go to his church)
Me: B&V SUCKS!!!
Her: Why? I remeber mine was ok. Who's your teacher?
Me: Mr Yap
Her: *reels back in mock horror* o_O" O... K...
Member's of the jury, your verdict?



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