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Your Prayers


Sunday, September 04, 2005

Too much.

Ok, here comes another rant, so those of you who don't want to read, you have been warned.

Anyway, here goes. People here are friendly. You might be thinking 'What the...? That's a bad thing?' and I would actually agree with you. The thing is, friendliness is like antidepressants. Take some when its needed, it feels good, life goes on and you and the rest of the world are better off now that we don't have to deal with your stressed up self. Overdose and you get high and jumpy and piss off some people and, when the high stops, you end up hurting yourself. I'm one of those people who get pissed off when you're jumpy.

Thing is, people here all seem to be overdosing on the 'Friendly Pill'. Its like a friggin horde the way they all swarm to shake your hand just 'cuz you're the new guy. Just today in church, my hand was shaked by no less than three overlyfriendly guys. Now, those of you who know me should know that I can tahan most things. This just crosses the line. If you're trying to make friends with me you don't friggin shove a hand in front of me with a bananabig smile and expect me not to be SCARED SHITLESS. Maybe its just me with a shyness problem and these guys are ok, but that doesn't change the fact that I. Am. Friggin. Scared.

Here's the worst part. During church there is always two minutes during which we are supposed to greet each other. I'm usually ok during those times since I have time to brace myself. Its when its by surprise that I really detest the experience. Anyway, the pastor goes 'Please be superfriendly'. What. The. Crap. As if they aren't friendly enough. At that moment, my Dad and I had a short dialogue. Forgot the actual words but it was somewhere along the lines of 'SHIT!'.

Bottomline. I'm ok with being friendly. I'm ok if you want more friends. I'm ok if you're just trying to make some shallow social conversation. Just don't friggin be so damn friendly you end up scaring people.



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