[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Monday, September 05, 2005


Had to give an oral presentation for English today. Was unprepared, or at least, teachers would not have called me prepared if they could have seen how many notes I had. Had to speak on a topic that I personally do not feel strongly for, but that's never stopped me. I can fake enthusiasm readily. Anyway, we had a choice to do it in pairs or solo. I paired up with the 'Josh' I mentioned earlier. When we stood up, some person asked 'Are you two together?' to which I answered 'Not in that way.' Whole class laughed. Teacher included. Gave the weirdest talk ever. Neither of us really prepared. Whole thing was ad libbed. we kinda got together during free time in a Chem lesson and got our vague main points. Then we forgot about it until today when we ad libbed it. No powerpoint, no actual notes and we got A's. Go us. I guess it kinda helped that I was cracking jokes half the time. Teacher's comments: I can see that you two have put time and effort into this and believe in what you were speaking in. o.O I should consider a career in acting.



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