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Your Prayers


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Pissed off rant time

Well. Today was possibly the most busy day I've had in school. Wake at 6, school till 12:30, 13:30 to 16:30 was a math competition (I freaking died) and from 18 to 20, Had to do cheerleading. Screw it. And I have a pile of homework I can't be arsed to do.

And don't give me shit about how your ordinary day is busier. I don't give a shit.

Moving on, the general level of cleanliness in this schol pisses me off. After talent search, I walked around the audi to help clean up. I picked up four bottles, 3 still half full with drink, a pack of biscuits and a half eaten box of coco crunch. And that's just the edible stuff. The rubbish filled a plastic bag, and the plastic bag was one of the pieces of rubbish to begin with.

Seriously guys, clean the hell up after yourselves. Its bloody disgusting.



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