Girls hate me. It's a gross generalisation but I'm going to state it anyway, because I can.
Here's some proof. Bio lesson, we had to draw our blood for examination under microscope. I was the sacrificial lamb of our group (don't tell me you didn't see that coming), so after the lamest of all pinpricks, my blood was on display.
Incidentally, i have an abnormally high white blood cell count.
Anyway, one group was full of girls. Not the cool type of girl either, these were the kind of girls which keep sexist stereotypes alive and kicking. So the teacher calls me over to give THEM my blood. Yeah, I love this job.
Bio cher: "Ok, now you all owe him a treat"
Girl: "No."
Cue, other girls start laughing.
Now, let me clarify something here. The reaction time between the bio cher's sentence and her vehement exclamation was nonexistant. In fact, there was negative reaction time, despite what physics teachers keep saying about there being no negative time. Before Bio finished his sentence, she had pre-empted it and started yelling.
Finally discovered the way to church. Amen. After getting lost in Bukit Merah for two weeks straight, I finally know the way.
Rushing math files last minute is lose.
Just to further show how amazingly kickass my lovelife is:
Friend 1: "Apart from the 15 suitors after him, he's free"
Friend 2: "15? Try -15."
Friend 2's girlfriend: "He's after 15 girls?"
Friend 2: "No, 15 girls want to kill him."
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