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Your Prayers


Friday, January 26, 2007

Sweet shit

Well, as of a few minutes ago, yesterday was my birthday. Let me sum it up in these simple words.


It started in drama, when everyone just suddenly stated singing the pirate song as a song dedication to me. Wewt. Then we went to Taka and had Jap food. Totally sweet. Sake temaki ftw. Then we go to Kino, and now I have the FFXII bradygames guide AND Wolverine: Origin. I am a VERY happy child. It's just too bad that Sandman costs more than $170. No way in hell I'm letting my friends blow that much on me.

Guys, I'm never gonna forget this. Thanks.

Here's a big kiss and hug to my parents as well, especially mom. Seperated by a bleeping ocean, she still managed to organise this whole stunt. That is just totally kickass. I have the best mom ever.



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