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Your Prayers


Friday, October 27, 2006


Well. Valedictory supper. I never was one for formal occasions. Still, I didn't mind it. Went up to give an impromptu speech about how much chers and parents have helped me. Best part is, I was telling the truth.

Sleepover at school. Well, that's a misnomer. I got half an hour of sleep, tops. Arrived at 11: 45, after V supper, and rehearsed the final assembly till 4: 30. Then I couldn't bloody fall asleep. So I didn't. Thankfully my neighbours weren't snorers. Milled around for a bit, then helped to set up and stuff.

Note to self: Never drink coffee. Ever. Dehydration is a bitch.

Assembly went alright, I guess. Not as good as it could have been, but hell, I enjoyed myself. Got to dance. Did a weird move where I flip over my partner, legs in the air. Partner was a she. And she was flipping me. Fun fun phun. Only guy psycho enough to do the flipping.

Incidentally, I got an award for being psycho. Well, I'm glad they have the correct impression of me.

There were tears. Not from me, but several people did cry. For every tear, there was a hug. Hey, we may never see each other again, so why the hell not. This is the way a leaving class should go: All out. Let the tears and emotions flow.

Despite how much I bitch about the climate and the food and the service industry and other crap like that, I did actually enjoy my time with those guys. Whether they think the same of me is another story, but what the hell, this is my blog, and its my feelings. You guys have been great. Have wonderful lives, and God bless you all.



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