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Your Prayers


Saturday, October 07, 2006


Saw a woman who obviously had numerous plastic surgeries. Its like if I asked her how old she was, she'd ask "Which part?" Damn, her face was like some kind of demented jigsaw. Seriously girls, plastic surgery? It doesn't make you look good. Hell no. Not even breast augmentation because, trust me, it is scarily obvious. Men are a lot smarter than we let you believe. It does not make you look sexy. Truth be told, looking at jigsaw woman made me feel like my balls were slowly shrinking, like some kind of genetic self-preservation/continuance-of-the-species-for-the-good-of-the-damn-species shit was kicking in and telling me that if I looked for too long, my balls and related organs would shrink so much they'd turn non-existant, all to stop me from being able to copulate with anything so hideous.

Thank God for these instincts. I was going to make a Holy War reference, but in the interests of not pissing people off, forget it.



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