On the path to healing?
I'm not Catholic, but this post is going to be something of a confession.
Apparently the bastards have been given a talking to and its their final warning. Meh. I wanted blood, so it is just a bit of a dissappointment.
I hate them for acting the way they did for two simple reasons: they have neither respect nor honour. They did not listen when I told them to stop, and that's a lack of respect, and they attacked from behind. Only cowards would attack in groups from behind.
They asked me to forgive them, saying they were only playing around. Well guess what jackass? I'm not bloody laughing. Take your shit somewhere else, because I'm not buying it. Back there is the line, and on Monday, there was you asses crossing the bloody line.
Honestly, there is nothing I would love better than for them to be called up on stage during assembly, to be tied down and for me to give them a thrashing with a stick. That's the problem with vengeance. It won't settle for someone else picking up the slack for you. I want HIS blood on MY hands. Selfish.
I know that won't happen anytime soon. I also know that I probably won't stand up to them in a fight, let alone all of them. Still, there is one weapon I have to use against them, and that's my words. So that's exactly what I'm going to use against them.
Incidentally, my sin is Pride. Its a roundabout, hidden sort of pride. I'm slamming dc Talk through my speakers right now, and nothing soothes me quite like some Christian rock, so right now I'm feeling pretty good. I'll probably forgive them for pissing me off, but I don't think its for me to forgive them for their lack of respect or honour. Where's the pride? Well, I'm not going to ever let them know if I ever do forgive them. I want to keep up this charade of unforgiveness. Because I'm a proud little ass. And because I don't want them to EVER think that we're cool. No, we're not. We never will be. I'm not one of your gayfuck homeboys and not going to be anytime soon. Here's how it goes. You stay there and I won't interfere with whatever the hell kind of shit you deal with, and I stay here and you stay the fuck out of my life.
Side note, I have had the dream of me finding them hanging off a cliff, and I help them up, grin evilly and kick them off.
Anyway, the combination of my mom and my music is telling me to let this go, so I'll try. I'll still give them the Gaze of Death in the corridors and speak with an acid tone if ever the situation arises, maybe throw in some iambic pentameter. But I'll try and let this go. If they try it again however, I will make bloody well sure that cher goes through with his threat to expel them all.
Meh. Letting go.
Side note, my second sin is Wrath. Go figure.
Extra side note, I pray they NEVER find this site.
Shin-chan has smiled at least once since then. That's probably our queue to not be angry.
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