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Your Prayers


Friday, September 08, 2006


Okay, stagnant for a while so I've got some stuff.

First up, watched Lurhman's version of Romeo and Juliet. I am now in love with that stupid play and have memorised to prologue to act 1. Whee.

Next, wore a paperclip bracelet to school. There are marks on my arm because it was tight. No, don't ask.

Anniversary thing. I performed. Yay. My hand is now covered in girl's signatures. Hey, as long as they're not trying to take a stab at my balls, I'm alright with it.

Funky thing. I hurt a girl's feelings because I hung out with other girls and apparently I'm "not allowed to talk to anyone except her." Seriously, some notice would have been nice. Take this message to heart girls. Guys are thick bastards so make sure you tell them what you expect from them. Guys too. Talk a bit or else shit like this happens, where 6 year olds accuse you of being unfaithful.

Incidentally, I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE!!!

Yeah, I see myself more as a babysitter.



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