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Your Prayers


Tuesday, July 25, 2006


First day back at school today. Big whoop. For the first day back, there was decidedly less helloing and howwasyourholidaying than I anticipated. The general air was more along the lines of meh. Maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong crowd.

I have a twisted mind and I'm going to hell. Yes, I know, nothing new, but I'll just jot this down so I can laugh later on.

Girl walks up and says hi. I do the polite thing and return the greeting and ask how was the hols. She then says that she went on camp and had the greatest experience of her life and the very first thing that popped into my mind was "You lost your virginity?" I didn't say it out loud though, but I did ask her to stop talking, saying I was repressing the irresistable urge to say something lewd.

Hey, guess some things never change.

Got our leaver's jackets. After what, more than a month of delays? Then again, made in Indonesia. Between two earthquakes and a tsunami, I'd say they did well to turn it up at all. My thanks to all those guys who slaved over this piece of thing I wear on my back which I've already managed to dirty.

Whee? Maybe. I've still got some English shit to do. Then again, the only shit I ever have to do here is English, so meh.



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