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Your Prayers


Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Watched X3. Fun. It takes a lot of liberties with the comic, but I still like it. Cliffhangers are still a bitch though. But fun fun fun. Still think Wolverine is the most kickass ever. Hope they put in X-23 into the next. That would be sexy. I would go totally in depth and say shit about how this movie is a commentary on life and that it exemplifies man's lust for power and the desire to control his surroundings yadda yadda yadda, but I'm too tired to sound convincing. Other than that, life is bland.

Oh yeah, forgot this. Got a reply for my verbose email. She called me a heathen, more or less. Fun. That's definitely a first. Same deal with before, her reply up top, mine below. Decided not to be bombastic as it seemed to totally go over her head and she doesn't understand sarcasm, nider duz she fien teh nid 2 slpl plopery. If she finds out I'm keeping the emails for kicks I expect a swift whack in the nuts, but what the hell, it's fun.

hey Darryl......why do you hate powerhouse.....it is beautiful...a place where we are free to worship the one and almighty God......it is not a cult!!!......it is repulisng to think that some one like you who comes to a Christian School where we are free to worship thinks that way.....are you a christian?....ur a stupid person because u r agrreing with the fact that power house isa truley noble endavour because of the ways of christianity is good.

I do not need any single place to worship God Almighty, for my body is his temple. There is no need to crowd in a single room to shout his praises for the world is his kingdom. There is no place where I am not free to worship as the laws of Man do not hold authority over the power of the Lord. I do not need this opportunity of worship, neither do I need this illusion of freedom for my life is to be a prayer to him and I am free in him and because of him, not because of my proximity to others or because of my position in the room. Also, your reply shows lack of understanding of my previous email as you have completely missed the point and have interpreted wrongly what I stated. You also display a lack of discernment regarding sarcasm. From my vantage point, it is you, not I, who is clouded in the Spirit and who does not seem to understand what it means to be free to worship; no constraint on time, no constraint on place, no restriction regarding anything at all, but to live, breathe and feel the Word of God: that is worship. I apologise if I have offended you, but get thee behind me, plague me no longer.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Weather report

Saw my first double rainbow. It was nice, but now rain seems to have lost its magic. Here, there is no overcast period when the clouds are absolutely dreary, the SUN SHINES while it rains ( a crime in itself ) and it comes in short, tiny bursts which are so halfhearted you just feel like bloody bitchslapping mother nature across the chops for being so indecisive. Meh. No more massive full out give-me-the-wrath-of-Zeus thunderstorms. Depressing. Feh, take away another of my joys why not.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Whee. There was rain today. Happiness. Rain always puts me in a good mood, particularly if it's stormy. So that's one good thing. A friend of mine stripped down to a singlet and boxers and ran across an uncovered walkway in the rain for $5. He undercharges. Pity we couldn't get a photo.

Bad thing: left my calculator and lunch box in school. I pray some asshole hasn't stolen them.

Funny thing: Got an email asking for my presence at "powerhouse", some Pentecostal ra-ra worship kind of thing. Not my cup of tea, so, just because I could, I replied with great pomp and verbosity. Below is the email I received, followed by my response, word for word, typos included. Enjoy.

Hey DaRRYL....u should really come to PowerHouse or prayer meeting coz ur sensational spiritual effect would be great!!!!!

To whomever it may concern:

The party of whom the recipience of this electronic mail coincides with does not believe and/or is willing to succumb to the wanton self depreciating nature of the myriad devices employed during the aforementioned "prayer meeting" whose effectual deceit extends so far as to refer to itself as the embodiment of that which is in the language of humans so shallowly referred to as "worship" neither is he conducive to the idea of allowing his conscience and aural sensory devices(biological or otherwise) to be so greatly assualted by the entity known as "planetshakers". To this effect, he does humbly request that his electronic mail server no longer be bombarded with such simpleminded requests as these. The act of "worship", as it is so named by persons such as yourself, is merely the act of harnessing the collective vocal and kinetic power of all parties present towards the ideal of creating as many negative externalities as possible; a truly noble endeavour. What passes for worship, and indeed, Christianity in general, in modern times is, to my mind, a mere subhuman attempt at restating the word of God with the aim of crafting it to reinforce their own selfish desires such as material wealth. To use the vernacular, "prosperity preaching. In reiterateration, kindly refrain from any more such requests for my presence at such cultish gatherings until such a time as the self assessment of your basic ideals has finally occured and the need for such things is superceded. Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
The party of the recipience.

There. If I was mean, I don't care. It was worth it.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


And today i saw a horse drawn carriage. Yes, I did break the streak just to say that. Standards as to what is wow worthy have plummeted. probably for the best. And as a side note, I'm still single (thank God).



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