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Your Prayers


Monday, April 03, 2006


Whee, people in this country SUCK!!! The shallowness and superficiality astounds. Was talking to peeps discussing my giving tuition to this Year 11 girl. They say I should do it for free 'cuz they thing I'm a friend. If I was an actual friend, I would have sworn at them in a tactless manner, followed by much laughter. Since I'm not, I actually tried to explain this entire concept that friends don't give you free shit (Seriously, I don't think they should.)

Me: "Thats what friends are for? to give you free stuff?"
Them: "Yah duh"
Me: "Bullshit, friends are there so you always have someone to talk to and.....
Them: "Talk about what?"
Me: o.O

Yeah, welcome to Australia. Bloody hell this is a piece of shit. Superficial bastards who so easily make friends it sickens me. I guess their logic makes sense. Then again, so does buddhism, gnosticism, the Kabbalah and the idea that I'm invisible when no one is looking. You don't so me heartily endorsing that shit.



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