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Your Prayers


Sunday, February 26, 2006


That web of deceit I plunged headfirst into earlier? I'm out of it. Though now that I think about it, I should never have been confused in the first place. The answer was so blindingly obvious. Oh well, I've got plenty of time to work out my blinding inadequecies.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Researchy type drivel

Mweh. Lately I find myself preoccupied with a problem. The thing with me and problems is, I'm relentless in my search for an answer. And sometimes a problem just doesn't have one.

Anyway, the one that has my attention right now is a question of human nature. Why the sin we never see is the one that we commit, why we like to argue so much and why we always think we are right. I'm currently stuck in the middle of an argument between two people who sound so much alike, yet there is still a no mans land between them. Humans fascinate me. I intend to pursue this matter.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Well, nothing really interesting, per se, except that my mom has now set a curfew of 11 o'clock, unless its someone's birthday the next day and I feel like wishing them. Wewt.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Lingua meh

Today during econs, while the teacher was out, as pupils are wont to do, we started talking. For the strangest reason, I suddenly had to speak in Mandarin. I thought it would be ok, seeing how there were four other chinese people there. I was wrong. One couldn't help but laugh whenever I spoke, one couldn't speak anyway and the last one couldn't give a shit. They all found it entertaining though, so meh. I had fun. Its nice when no one understands you.

17 year old kid did not know of the existence of Lebanon.

17 year old kids did not know what a lingua franca is.

14 year old kid goes insane. Psychologists develop "stupidity proximity theory."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Assault on V-day

Valentine's day. Yay. Fun. Good news, I have kept my fourteen year streak of never once receiving a gift of any kind from non family members. Wishes do not count. I get some of those. Gift means flowers or cards or stuff like that, and only hard copy. Ecards don't count. xD


Anyway, While I do love the idea of a holiday that celebrates love, I absolutely HATE the commercialisation surrounding it. I'm too lazy to write up the specifics of it here, so visit this page if you want to see my rants: http://104board.blogspot.com

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The importance of being Frank

Went crabbing today. Fun. Don't ask about the size of the stuff I caught. xD

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Why indeed.

Got the date wrong. Ball is on 17 March. Now this brings up an important question. Why do people care about it now?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Its sad this is all I have to talk about.

And today, nothing much happened, except that the form was given out for the details of the dance. It costs a bleedin $85. That could pay for my food for a week. Assuming I eat out. Canteen food is different.

Everyone is asking everyone else who they are taking to the ball. When asked who my date is, I say its the buffet table.

That's about it. Fun.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Lord help us

And today, ANOTHER girl bloody hugged me. This is getting to be a damn habit. I'm beginning to think that the girls have a secret underground society where they plan such evil that will totally freak the ever living crap out of guys like me. Its an epidemic of epidemical proportions. Save the men's hug-virginity! No one is safe! Spread the word, lest their wrath fall upon you all! The end of the world is nigh! I'm wearing socks!

.......Anyway, weird convo today.

Girl: Hiya *my name*, give me a hug!
Me: .......... Saywut? o.O
G: *hugs me while I continue folding my arms* Hey *other girls name* isn't here today. Do you miss her?
M: .......... Why should I?
G: Cuz you two are a match made in heaven.
M: .......... Yeah, you know what? God just smsed me, he says 'No way.'
Exit, stage left
Father, your servant doth seek your forgiveness for using thy name in vain.

May He help us all, for the wrath of the female is nigh, and none shall be spared save those protected by Him.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Campeh type thing.

From Friday, I had to sleep in school and just got back today. Here is a basic summary.

Friday, show up at school in casual wear. All day we are at some theme park thing. I went on three rides. G's were cool, but nothing amazing. apart from that, I sat in the shade near the teacher's and drew, occasionally updating my list.

............ Oh yeah, the Year 12s have a ball type thing which I absolutely do not wish to go for. My mom is forcing me to however. She's not the only one. The Year 12s seem insistent on my coming. Their reasons are....... interesting, to say the least. That's what the list is for. "Stupid reasons to go to the ball." Some classic favourites are: 'Cuz I might meet my future wife, 'cuz I get to wear a tux, 'cuz there's an afterparty, 'cuz people are gonna strip, 'cuz I said so........ yeah. The only good reason so far cae from a teacher.

Anyway, was in the shade while the rest went swimming and obtaining sunburn. They asked me to join them. I can't believe they were surprised when I said no.

Come back to school, bunch of random irrelevant things happen. Then we watch 'Coach Carter'. Nice movie. Just that it ended at 1 30. Then I went to sleep at 2 am. Then I woke up at 5 am. More accurately, I SET the alarm to ring at five. So I screwed myself with three hours sleep. Excellent. Anyway, at five in the morning, I go outside the gym to embrace the bitchin' cold Australian morning air and sit down to read 'Catcher in the Rye'. Yeah. I'm now a certified nutjob, sleeping for three hours and waking up to read. Go me. The teacher's seemed pretty happy about it though. Mostly 'cuz I have to do that book for English.

By the way, I read the book for two stinking hours, in the freezing cold. I finished it though, so yay.

After that, team building! YAY! Or, more accurately, meh. I know the value of teambuilding, sure, and it WAS kinda fun, but our team kept getting F'ed in the A by like two seconds. YAY!

Anyway, that's about it, not counting me stoning for five hours when I got home. Fun.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Swearing is good for the soul

I got harrassed again. Pulled off the hokkien swearing. Was actually happier after that. THAT'S a technique you're never getting out of a self-help book.

Speaking of which, how can you have a self-help book? You're supposed to help yourself, so if someone tells you how to help yourself, isn't that getting help? This world is strange. You humans scare me.

Actually had HOMEWORK. TOTAL WEWTIFICATION. I've always wondered why they never gave homework. It's as if they think a secret doorway to hell will open up or something. But now we know that doesn't happen. Yay.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

First day.

First day of school. Wewt. Boring. Yay. Would write more, but really, words are nowhere near enough to express the sheer magnitude of the boredom of the events that transpired today. I mean, seriously, I sat down, I heard guys talking, I shifted my ass, repeat ad nauseum. FUN.

A girl hugged me again. Hell I get no break. It's the first friggin day, what the hell? Damn she is a man-hungry nymph. Translation: SOOOOOO not my thing. Next time she tries to pull that off I'll pull back and swear in hokkien. It'll be funy for at least one person there, of that I'm sure. And, since I know it'll happen for sure, I've already got my script planned. Yes, I'm THAT bored. Yay.

Quotable quote: Oh, sorry, satan just smsed me to tell me hell just froze over.



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