[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Chem exam. Left out a question. It was about solubilities, they gave us this big table and ask us to fill in the blanks. Note that the chemicals used were also blanks. Joyness. Apart from that, I left nothing out. I hope.

Chem prac was weird. Someone spilled bromine water and the entire place stank. I now have inhaled poisonous fumes of cyclohexene, bromine and chlorine. I rock. Spilled calcium carbonate all over my pants. No one saw. I think. This time I wore safety goggles, so I'm garunteed at least one mark.

Exams all out. Thursday is the last day of school. Oddly enough, my euphoria levels are down. Meh.



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