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Your Prayers


Friday, June 24, 2005

No comment.

Had the worst math exam of my life today. Left out one question and couldnt finish another. Means for sure about 12 marks are gone. And that's if I got everything else correct. Argh. As quoted from my friend, "It was painful." Also, I pressed a wrong button on my calculator, so i got a certain step wrong. I am bracing for a loss of 20 marks, which in my book is absolutely crapadelic. Damn am I slipping. Had a chem prac as well. That was actually fun. Mixing up chemicals is always a joy. Still.......something needs to be done about my math. I am totally sick and tired of the entire world thinking I'm this genius kid. Fact is, I'm not. I am possibly the most ordinary kid in the universe and, quite frankly, that's not enough for me. I want to excel. I want to excel above those who excel. Not for myself, but for my parents and my friends. For the ones I care for, I can do what I cannot do for myself.



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