[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Monday, May 30, 2005


Today, someone asked me, "Darryl, would you go out with Erica?" I was like, "WTF?" I just stared blankly at the one who asked, hoping that she was joking. Then, the girl standing next to me answered on my behalf, "No, he can't go with her cuz he's with me!" I laughed so hard I might have had a seizure. When I regained my composure, they still wanted an answer, so I rolled up my eyes and gave them a lovely view of the white of my eyes. That freaked them out so much they forgot the question. Throughout all this, the only one who looked as uncofortable as I was was Erica. God, give me understanding of women. I am seriously confused.



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