[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Friday, May 06, 2005


Totally did not engage my brain today. Got my timetable and book list so yay. Books here are bleedin' expensive though. For drama, teacher asked us to design a set. I'm no longer taking drama so I asked if I had to. She said it was either i do it for fun or I clean out the understudy. Guess which one I took. Spent the next 80mins clearing up the clothes that were lying all over the damn place. Tried a couple on too. One of them made me look like a friggin' pimp. After a while, a couple of guys came in under the pretext of looking for stuff. They then started to set things on fire with the help of some hair spray. Such juvenile idiotism.



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