[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Thursday, May 12, 2005


First of, let me apologise for not going online and not blogging yesterday. I had a perfectly good excuse. Internet was down. All night I couldn't access any sites. At all. Very sorry 'bout that. Anyway, enough with the past, Now to get down to the present. Today was a good day for my Singaporean spirit. First, I finally met a guy in school who speaks singlish. Secondly, I come home and my parents are throwing around rascism 'bout the Malays and the Indians. I HAVE NOT HEARD A RASCIST COMMENT FOR SO LONG. Joy. The one comment that really melted my heart was one made by my father's friend as he complained about some idiot insctuctor. "Wah-lao, bloody chao-indian!" Happiness. Best day I've had so far. Reminded of home. The place to which my heart belongs.



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