[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Monday, May 02, 2005


It's official. I'm entering year 11 ASAP. Once they get my timetable and all that stuff I will go to year 11. Until then, I'm stuck in the year 9 class. That sucks. Remember how I said that I got pelted with paper? It happened again. This time, however, it was plaster. And big stacks of notes. I didn't say a thing this time. What's the point? Those idiots would just have continued on anyway.
Something that has not happened for the past three years is happening now. My alter ego, whom I have named Sephiroth, is coming back. He last emerged in pri 4. Now hes coming back. I thought he died. Especially when I entered NUSHS. I had no idea how he could possibly have surfaced there. For those of you who need explanation, Sephiroth is the part of me that wants to kill. He wants to see your blood and pain. I've tried to kill him, but he just won't die. With each passing day his power over me gets stronger. I'm trying to fight him, but I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm not sure if I want to do it.



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