[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Monday, May 09, 2005


One minute I am among possibly the most slacking school system in the world, Next minute I am thrust into a higher level where I don't understand a thing. At all. That might be because of the one term that I missed. The teachers are giving me some time to adjust, which is a good thing. Still, I am quite confused. I read through in 80 mins what it took them more than a week to cover for Econs. As a result, my head is quite full. I realize why I've never done last minute cramming before. My brain totally shut down after that lesson. I couldn't do math. I spent most of my day philosophising about our society and how it emphasises the physical. I also I like it yet. I need some time to adjust.



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