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Your Prayers


Monday, April 11, 2005


See the title? That pretty much sums up life here. My god it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO damn boring. I cannot emphasise the word 'boring' enough. There is absolutely no change in routine in this country.
I never thought a day could drag on so long. In my free hours, which are quite a lot, I amuse myself with either books, PS2, or philosophy and theology. Yes, you read that correctly. THAT'S how much time I have. favourite subjects: What is Love? How can free will coexist with divine preordination? Stuff like that.
Of the entire day, I detest the waking hours the most. That's cuz in my dreams im back in NUSHS, where I belong, among my friends. Then I wake up and here I am in this dead land. I dread the day. I've regressed back to my former self: showing absolutely no emotion. Unless otherwise stimulated, my face looks like one belonging to a convict on death row. When I DO laugh/smile/whatever, it never lasts very long. Inside my spirit is crushed and my will and reslove are fading. The thought of my friends is the only thing that keeps me from comitting suicide.
God give me strength to survive till I return.



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