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Your Prayers


Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Why must I wake up? Why am I here? Why are dreams always so much better than reality? My heart searches for the answer to these questions even as I bury myself amidst the dreams. Why...
I used to dream of my friends. All of them. Together again. Laughing. Lately, I have been dreaming of individual friends. I know not the reason behind this, yet I cannot help but feel that the answers lie within me. I'm seraching for those answers. Maybe I have already found them. Maybe I'm too scared to face them.
These dreams have only gone on for the past three days. I know not the reason for the sudden change. All I know is that these dreams hurt me more than when I was among them all.
Dreams... Why do I have them? What do they mean? What are they trying to tell me? I do not know. Maybe I don't want to know.



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