[[ ` for y0[u] are * w[i]th me ]]

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Your Prayers


Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bad day

Had science today. We did food webs. FOOD WEBS!!! I have never felt that my time has been wasted more so than the past two days. Art was fun though. Horror of horrors, I left something in school. Guess what. A MAHJONG SET!!! I brought it cuz 'cher wanted me to bring something from my home country. Not only was I not supposed to bring it today, I left it in school as well. MUST FIND IT TOMORROW.!!!My parents will kill me if I don't. Or I'll kill myself. Whichever comes first. MUST REMEMBER!!! In the last period, some bleedin' chao ang moh ws throwing paper at the back of my head. In a display of eastern discipline, I didn't do a thing. After three times, I asked him to stop, politely. He threw another one at me and in a display of eastern barbarism, I cursed him in japanese. He still didn't stop so I cursed him in chinese. Then he still didn't stop but by then i had given up. PEOPLE HERE ARE IDIOTS!!!



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